@Asiric_Temple Sunnason ᚫ Asiric / Æsiricism ᛟ Traditionalist Germanic Pagan ᛉ Nature Enthusiast ᚠ Sacred Four Enjoyer ᚪ Anti-Axial Age ᚷ Love Your Family & Your People ᛋ Hail the Sun!

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 49
Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Daverhine3 @LadyYlva @odin_key Indeed, that's why they run away in terror when you point this out. They are heretics that hate their own folk, ancestors, family, Gods and Nature. These lames are not real Pagans, they do not worship the old Gods. They worship the multicult. Be the light the darkness fears 😁

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Filmerian @Filmerian1
Who can break the Hegelian/Spenglerian cycles of history? Christ can, did near 2,000 years ago, and will come to bring them fully to an end.
Sunnason @Asiric_Temple

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@harriman69 @RomulanKush88 @ssjs2009 @NotFromTheLeft @TristanSnell https://twitter.com/Asiric_Temple/status/1595363830908993537/video/1

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@ssjs2009 @NotFromTheLeft @TristanSnell You literally did a modern day slow motion 'jonestown' .... for what purpose?

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@TristanSnell Y'all literally did a slow motion 'jonestown'. The denial/cope is unreal

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@KSVBOUTIQUE @TristanSnell

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@HistoriaRomanvm It's real son, it's real

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@NgagkpaCintbro My second choice would be Machining a Whitworth sniper. It was the most accurate and powerful rifle in the US Civil war. Famed by the legendary Mississippi snipers of the CSA. Fired a hexagonal bullet. Had the best distance and accuracy of any black powder rifle. https://t.co/LQQx60noEM
Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
: @NgagkpaCintbro Like this

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Asiric_Temple: @NgagkpaCintbro My second choice would be Machining a Whitworth sniper. It was the most accurate and powerful rifle in the US Civil war. Famed by the legendary Mississippi snipers of the CSA. Fired a hexagonal bullet. Had the best distance and accuracy of any black powder rifle.

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@NgagkpaCintbro That would be a beautiful piece. I prefer this one. The patent on how to manufacture it is open source. It is a Flintlock repeating musket.

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Cintaratna @NgagkpaCintbro
@Asiric_Temple If I had a patron I could just make the craftshop and make them myself👀 I know how to, I lack the tools and the place
Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
You can literally make them by hand. In America you can make your own firearms at home, but you cannot sell them. The only exception being you can sell them to the state in a gun buyback program. You can literally make 10 times profit 😜

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Asiric_Temple: @NgagkpaCintbro Needs some polishing ... 😅

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Supernautical @odin_key Before our religions were called Pagan (meaning country dweller, bc the globalist christians took over the cities) the polytheistic religions of Europe were referred to as Ethnikos i.e. The Ethnics. Ipso facto, Paganism is and was ethic by definition 😁👍🏻 suck it, multicult slime https://t.co/s7Am28YXdM
Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
: @Supernautical @odin_key Here's a better one 😁👍🏻

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Potato_LeekSoup @PChadicus You literally view Achilles the same way the communist multicult liberal slime at the guardian claim. You are an evil blasphemer and a liberal 🤣 the Gods will smite you

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Potato_LeekSoup Notice ladies and gentlemen, the platonist revisionism is near identical to what the liberal media rag the guardian says about the heroes of our people. Platonism was the politically correct revisionism of its day and is a heresy which spouts blasphemy.

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Potato_LeekSoup @PChadicus @PChadicus Teach this heretic a lesson in manners. You are evil. You are a heretic. You are blasphemer. You will incur the wrath of the Gods upon you. There is nothing more you can say but to grovel and apologize at the feet of the Gods, that you are unworthy to be near.

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@GaryGeorgeCook @HatT0r @Know_More_News @Styx666Official @Celtic_Films Before Paganism was used (when the globalist christians took over the cities), the original word to refer to people who believed in the polytheistic religions of Europe was Ethnikos. This means 'Paganism' is and was ethnic by definition preserved in the Greek Bible no less.

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Potato_LeekSoup @PChadicus Because you keep responding heretic. Go worship your octahedron boy. You hate the Gods, you hate their ways, you hate people who follow the Gods and you hate the heroes of our people. You are evil and will incur the wrath of the Divines upon you. Your octahedron can't save you.

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
Yet another case of blasphemy coming from platonist slime. They have contempt for the Gods. They hate what the Gods have done in legend. They hate the heroes of our people and the actions they do. They say that emulation of the Gods is foolish. They're evil.
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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Potato_LeekSoup @PChadicus You are a blasphemer, we have nothing further to discuss

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Potato_LeekSoup @PChadicus Your autism won't get the memo. We have nothing further to discuss, heretical platonist slime. You confessed to hating the actions of the Gods, and that men who follow the Gods are fools. You are a blasphemer and will incur their wrath.

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Potato_LeekSoup @PChadicus We have nothing further to discuss, platonist blasphemer

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Potato_LeekSoup @PChadicus We have nothing further to discuss, heretic

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Potato_LeekSoup @PChadicus We have nothing further to discuss, heretical platonist slime

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Potato_LeekSoup @PChadicus You should probably get diagnosed and put on proper medication assburger

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Potato_LeekSoup @PChadicus And there it is! You could not hide your heresy forever. You don't honor the Gods, you believe that emulation of the Gods is the work of fools. That is blasphemy. You are not a real Pagan. Emulation is the highest form of veneration. It is you who is the fool

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Potato_LeekSoup @PChadicus Indeed. Sayonara platonist

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@PMatzko Christian Nationalism lol You mean the same thing that got us to where we are right now?

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@MalesOfReddit Literally this ... spoilers

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
Animals can see the truth more than people. ... Also it is literally this scene 😂👍🏻
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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Supernautical @odin_key Before our religions were called Pagan (meaning country dweller, bc the globalist christians took over the cities) the polytheistic religions of Europe were referred to as Ethnikos i.e. The Ethnics. Ipso facto, Paganism is and was ethic by definition 😁👍🏻 suck it, multicult slime

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Asiric_Temple: @Potato_LeekSoup @PChadicus 😁👍🏻 Try again next time platonist slime

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Devine_Writer @QuibQuib2

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@TanyaTheWayward @TNTJohn1717

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@NgagkpaCintbro @Lesalonvert2 Historical precedent.

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@DirksCorrine @KYPMHNP @RupaliChadhaMD There was a patient who was prescribed lithium and weaned himself off. Years later when he was going through a hard time he went back to the same dosage he was originally prescribed. It literally turned a once intelligent man into a vegetable. Even lithium can be dangerous

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@rfloyd7 @Christcucks2 Christianity is a dying religion, Gods be praised! Let this post be a reminder that you can return home to your true roots. To find fulfilling spirituality that is not full of cuckoldry. The Old Gods and your true Ancestors await for you with open arms

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Asiric_Temple: @Apotheiite @PChadicus The cowardly, heretical, platonist slime, slithers away back into his BS realm of forms. Where he can worship the ideal spider form, the number 47 and the octahedron.

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Apotheiite @PChadicus Platonists deliberately retconned The Iliad and odyssey and all Hellenic myth into something entirely different, in order to fit it into the stupid, made up, BS realm of forms. You can defend that if you wish, but platonism is 100% the PC revisionism of it's day and heretical.

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@blair_sadewitz @RupaliChadhaMD Replying to your own comment saying, "Well, that's persuasive" You should probably go to the pharmacy to get a "refill".

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Blair Sadewitz @blair_sadewitz
@Asiric_Temple @RupaliChadhaMD There are people who can only function thanks to methamphetamine. Some narcoleptics could never tolerate the high dose of Adderall required to keep them awake. 5mg of methamphetamine is equivalent to like 15-20mg Adderall -- except for the side effects.
Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@RupaliChadhaMD "There are people who can only function thanks to methamphetamine." They're definitely not junkies tho, pinky promise. Is this your psychiatrist? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@blair_sadewitz @RupaliChadhaMD https://t.co/gUvPTnFlDP
Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
: @blair_sadewitz @RupaliChadhaMD As pictured above they do prescribe meth, they do push drugs with bribes and sex from hookers all the time. Your doctor may be an exception, but there are many hardcore drugs that are over prescribed to people who don't have legitimate mental illness problems. Look at these lol

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@blair_sadewitz @RupaliChadhaMD

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@PChadicus FACTS! I've been dealing with platonist revisionists for the last week. What they say about the nature of the Gods and existence is literal heresy to those who hold Hellenism dear. I'm not a Hellenist, but platonism is 100% a heresy that must be called out https://t.co/bq7MGmQRKS
Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
: @PChadicus In fact it was so bad that Tom Rowsell, STJ himself, showed up to try to own me. He got his shit pushed in when he tried claiming that the Æsir Vanir War wasn't real, but was "hegelian dialectics" lol wtf. He ran off to his telegram to rant about it.

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@PChadicus FACTS! I've been dealing with platonist revisionists for the last week. What they say about the nature of the Gods and existence is literal heresy to those who hold Hellenism dear. I'm not a Hellenist, but platonism is 100% a heresy that must be called out

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Know_More_News @Styx666Official He attacks you for ... hmmmmm 🤔🤔 I wonder https://twitter.com/Asiric_Temple/status/1594490976361336832/video/1

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Esoteric_Dago Platonists like you literally worship shapes and numbers. They pray to them as though they were Gods. It is the epitome of, and literally, sacrilege and heresy.

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
This guy is literally an eclectic monistic platonistic heretic. Who worships shapes & numbers, believes that Thor Odin Freya Njord Tyr and so on don't actually exist, but are mere parts of one singular "deity". Let us pray that he renounces his heresy and comes back home.

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Sunnason @Asiric_Temple
@Hermes2110 @Esoteric_Dago In philosophy it is impossible to know whether gravity will work in the next 10 minutes. Because there is no philosophical justification for believing something will be because it has been. This is why philosophy is mostly fruitless mental masturbation of the cowardly

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