@mcivor_johnny Johnny (autistic ginger) All of my tweets attempt to say something original -- observations and theories about different subjects. I also tweet snippets of stories I am working on.

mcivor_johnny's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 53
Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
Another reason to love Canada

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@wetblankets3 @BMafia056 @DavvidRR @drugcel Confused about what

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@mcivor_johnny: Pentti Linkola's "Green Police" would never work, because civilizational peoples are speculators, and they will inevitably rebel against the system. Implementing primitivism / obscurantism would require a eugenics program to lower the IQs of its citizens.

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
For Japanese people, the focus of attention is the mundane (made surreal, with mechanical proficiency of technique). See this anatomical comment: https://t.co/pi3rQsi6Rj
Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
: It is not that Asian people are 'robots,' it's that they are missing the profound boredom and ennui that occupies Europeans and Jews. Notice that the most individualistic Asians are the "most bored" with their jobs and the most experimental with their lifestyles

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@mcivor_johnny: For Japanese people, the focus of attention is the mundane (made surreal, with mechanical proficiency of technique). See this anatomical comment:

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@shockbabbit Sorry but I'm not worshipping that

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@hayasaka_aryan Christian values have done nothing but erode traditions -- it is an egalitarian religion. If you hate Pagans and like that Paganism went extinct, well that destroyed a lot of ancient cultures, and made them all "equal" before a universal God

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@BiesheuvelVan Where does it say that this was based on the Torah? Marx held antisemitic beliefs and considered blacks and other races to be "reactionary".

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@DomesticatedThe @LoonLoopy I'm staying out of this

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
Culture is the behavior of two or more people. Culture is what people do; how it is caused is another matter. Behavior can be caused by genes or it can be caused by anything that is not a gene.

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@mcivor_johnny: @850RR @dufrianord But whiteness is just the culture and preferences of white people. Just because a group of people scores bad on a test or doesn't collect vinyl records, that doesn't mean that they are objectively "inferior." Inferior just means that you don't like it

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@850RR @dufrianord In China and Japan it is the consensus view. Western academics are largely censored. Bruce Lahn was threatened by his school and had to end his research. Happened to Philippe Rushton, Davide Piffer, Arthur Jensen, James Watson, Charles Murray and many others

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Silver Rose @ager_gloria
@TheMasterGoon @simonateba It's all about dividing us. I grew up in the 60's. Yes there have been race problems in our country, but things were getting better. Now, I feel like as a country, on the issue of race, this administration has driven us backwards, back to the 60s.
Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@TheMasterGoon @simonateba They were never getting better, that is just something that people say. White people only get along with productive law-abiding minorities, in other words races and individuals with high IQs

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MasterGoon @TheMasterGoon
@simonateba How do you even address the black violence issue? I don’t even like using a color. My best friend was black in elementary. Never seen color. Now whites are being attacked by black on a normal bases. Now we’re are seeing color so a messed up. I blame democrat politicians. 🖕🏼
Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@simonateba They were always attacked, you just have internet now.

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@dufrianord you fucking idiot they broadened the definition for rape. stop blaming refugees when its the swedes who are the problem. https://t.co/q5TCSwwJKg
Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@dufrianord Read the part where it says gang rape. They aren't white people, you're just Europomorphising them

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
It's so annoying how women cast traditional gender roles as a drag. Being a stay at home mom is like the greatest deal ever, I wish I had free time to do whatever I want. I could see friends, read a book, teach myself how to model in Blender. Imagine getting to sleep in every day https://t.co/ae6D0YkMeG
Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
: "Endless cooking and cleaning." As if the average human worker is in a job that they like. Staying at home means you only work like 4 hours a day, and it's all different tasks

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
It's so annoying how women cast traditional gender roles as a drag. Being a stay at home mom is like the greatest deal ever, I wish I had free time to do whatever I want. I could see friends, read a book, teach myself how to model in Blender. Imagine getting to sleep in every day

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
Feminism is such a scam. Signing up to be wageslaves who still have to come home and clean the house. On your "free" days you are making up for the chores you missed, great deal

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@ScottAdamsSays Scott finally has some balls. It has to be said!

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
It's very romantic to tell your girl that you want to "mate" with her.

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
I knew it. Your body wants you to feel sleepy because it's the only thing that will get you to stop from mating to death

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@shocolatemoose @FBIPhiladelphia Google Bonnie Varnes

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@JJsViews @LizCrokin Cringe

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@Dieter75 @empireenjoyer10 "Nazi who wants to kill innocents." Blacks and Arabs rape and butcher white girls every day. Then they get light sentences and go back and do it again. These people will soon be the majority of all European nations. You enable this with your race bullying

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@Dieter75 @empireenjoyer10 You're dehumanizing me so why should I extend humanity to you? Lola Daviet was raped, mutilated, and stuffed in a suitcase. All for the sake of your diversity. You slave. Fuck your diversity, we have a duty to protect women and babies from your Arab replacement.

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
I used to also think I was better than everyone else

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American Patriot @God_Country_2A
@arm10584 @solidarityeurop Desperate to make it about race… arent ya? This is ANYONE illegally entering a Country no matter the race
Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@arm10584 @solidarityeurop What if it does matter? What then? Remember that Chinese academia fully embraces racialism

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@aidThompsin I care more about forests and wildlife than importing a reserve army of labor. Always remember that progressive projects like colonialism were believed to have "no side effects" in their day. When Europeans become an economically backwards minority you may regret it

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@MatthewStadlen @EnergyVampire10 @metpoliceuk

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@aimeeterese If you don't do racialism your group will go extinct. This is why you don't see Quakers anymore, they let everyone move onto their land and replace them.

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
I notice that when liberals or little girls aren't sure what to draw, they just draw the characters consuming products. (Ok maybe I'm looking too deeply into this)
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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
Vsauce is the only liberal I'm aware of who has interesting takes.

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@emery_christeen @rievaulx_

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@aimeeterese Currently doing an outpatient program. Every day my cat sleeps on my binder while I listen to inane TED Talk tier platitudes for 6 hours. The doctors say I have to work "twice as hard" (passive aggressive much?) because I refused the meds

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Johnny (autistic ginger) @mcivor_johnny
@aimeeterese I've been developing an alternative I call Rational Psychology.

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art_other 99%

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bar graph 70%
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critters 82%

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hitler 28%

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tldr 77%

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logos_flags_graphics 95%

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art_other 85%

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mspaint style 68%
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art_other 80%

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art_other 93%

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critters 100%

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logos_flags_graphics 51%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 89%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%