@Vlast__ Vlast 🌊👺🌊 Warsaw, Poland

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Vlast @Vlast__
@Menatetronone_4 @LandsharkRides Pardon my niggery but what is lidocaine for?

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Vlast @Vlast__
@SolarSaxon Niggers on my mind

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Vlast @Vlast__
@Vlast__: @LandsharkRides @Noetic_Pirate @BasedEvolist (When you read the word /maximumpleasure/ you are supposed to read it with a deranged german pervert voice ((feel will understand))

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Vlast @Vlast__
“Excuse me, my good lord. Would you not agree that the word ‘nigger’ is becoming quite passé?” “Indeed, we are in dire need of new - and more malicious - racial slurs” “Perhaps we should call them.....” *smokes cigar* “poopy-skins” “Brilliant as always, mr. Smart Gigachad” https://twitter.com/Vlast__/status/1337205032073170944/photo/1

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Vlast @Vlast__
@Vlast__: Cicero, that NIGGER (hard r), was the first to babble “give each his due” (a motto so gay that it could only be uttered by obese lawyers, instagram thots, and other Cum Dumpsters). There is no “due” when everything is yours for the taking. Justice necessarily comes from below

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Vlast @Vlast__
@Vlast__: @VEDIC_CYBERGOD we really don't need more state-supported Ioruba sheboons

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Vlast @Vlast__
@Vlast__: 86. People underestimate the destructive power of yeast. Candida Auris, for example, kills 59% of infected patients and is resistant to must of (if not all) anti-fungal drugs. If China wished to destroy the US they’d use this, not the gook flu

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Vlast @Vlast__
@Vlast__: @GigaCat88 Here are some excerpt of the Terminal Essay (on the Sotadic Zone) 1.”The Unspeakable Turk”, a race of born pederasts 2. Saladin was a bugger/ Armenians and Georgians are gay4pay 3. Beware of the Iranians, for they have perfected the art of anal rape 4. The Gook and the Cock https://twitter.com/Vlast__/status/1293317159901450242/photo/1

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Vlast @Vlast__
@regulusanon Fashwave: ((Da Joos)) want you dead Ironic Fashwave: Why don’t girls talk to me Post ironic fashwave: I will achieve big titty goth tomboy gf by whatever means necessary.

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Vlast @Vlast__
@MaansnijderJan @LandsharkRides The sol nigger rises

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Vlast @Vlast__
@soyivdrip @PantherDen_ London Yellow - I Don’t like niggers

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Vlast @Vlast__
@rekils @AESCLEPIUS0 The eternal potato nigger is at it again...

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Vlast @Vlast__
@Blippblapp The eternal potato nigger
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Vlast @Vlast__
@bronzeagemantis BAPcast 32 ushers estrange event in GOBLINO America. Small Patagonian fisherman report seein nude Selk’nam bodybuilders rise from Tierra del Fogo. They refoulse to be feed anything other than King Creb and exotik meatt: ”Must prepare for vengeance.. (((ROMANIA))) DELENDA EST” https://twitter.com/Vlast__/status/1246957768319393793/photo/1

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