Who's being harassed by obvious Nazis today?

Here are some normal accounts with obvious bad guys in their mentions. Click on graph bars to see account-by-account breakouts of fascist trolls.

Bad Vibes
Slurs & ToS Breaches
Nazi Dogwhistles

Last scanned
Jul 1, 2023

classiflied77 posts things like:
Fr- at Publix today in deli - bakery section getting some cheese. Scholar pacing back & forth looking for something finally shouts, "eh, yo where dat ghetto bread at, ni66a?" ..... Bakery counter lady: "what?" This is how we live now

View full toxic content scan for @classiflied77

My Administration is delivering smart public investments to make "Made in America" a reality. https://t.co/nza7GTfUt1
Wow... none of this is actually happening rn
Ukraine gets billions... American gets 500mps ...maybe, so they can watch videos pushing the new religion and weird shit
This Administration will deliver high-speed internet to all Americans.
Bal'mer back in the low impulse control, gratuitous violence chat. .
2 people were killed and 28 injured in a mass shooting at a Baltimore block party, officials say https://cnn.it/3CXTJxE
New euphemism...
Student loan relief is good for working and middle-class Americans. It’s good for our economy. It’s good for our country.
We call this shilling for votes when your approval rating is below 40%
Joe Biden @JoeBiden
Republican hypocrisy on student debt relief is stunning. https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1675162452512718848/video/1
Look at these so called progressives pandering to their base. Imagine being elected to the legislative branch of government and calling the judicial branch "extremist" because they ruled according to the Constitution, the only document that ensures equal protection under the law
Elizabeth Warren @ewarren
The Supreme Court has been hijacked by extremists. To rebalance this institution, we must expand it. In the meantime, I’ll keep fighting back against their damage—to make sure we still deliver student debt relief, to protect abortion rights, and to defend our freedoms.
SCOTUS ruling PeePaw "Republican elected officials" whew
Republican elected officials snatched away real hope from over 40 million eligible student loan borrowers. Plain and simple. https://twitter.com/POTUS/status/1675136745627607042/video/1
Takes out loan Signs contract which requires repayment Refuses to pay Claims "people are now poorer" because they have to repay Priceless
Chris Hayes @chrislhayes
Lots of very bad things this 6-3 majority has done, (Dobbs being, imho, the worst), but them deciding you are now $10,000 poorer than you were yesterday is really a helluva thing.
Call down, you're all meshugana
Chuck Schumer @SenSchumer
The hypocrisy is clear: As justices accept lavish, six-figure gifts, they don’t dare to help Americans saddled with student loan debt, instead siding with the powerful, big-monied interests.
Bree Newsome Bass @BreeNewsome
“50 years is enough civil rights, back to slavery” *official gavel sound*
Pollution has become self aware and capable effecting some people more than others
Breathing clean air shouldn’t be a privilege. New analysis shows we’re living in a divided city. Poorer Londoners, Black, Asian and minority ethnic Londoners and Londoners from migrant backgrounds breathe more polluted air. This is unacceptable. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/london-ethnic-divide-black-white-sadiq-khan-ulez-air-quality-toxic-pollution-b1091183.html
Askually most Americans, the ones you wanted to burden with the debts of less than 10% of the population, are feeling great today. Wow... 3 Ls in 2 days for you, the worm has certainly turned for you
I know there are millions today who feel angry because of the Court’s decision. Hope was on the horizon thanks to our relief plan, and today’s decision snatches it away. But I won’t stop fighting for borrowers.
Apparently your wrong according to the recent SCOTUS ruling. Ppl like you can mo longer force ppl like me to do things that violate our beliefs Good day to you
Pete Buttigieg @PeteButtigieg
Discrimination is wrong. Using religion as an excuse to discriminate is wrong - and unconstitutional. The Court’s minority is right: the Constitution is no license for a business to discriminate. Today’s ruling will move America backward.
David Hogg 🟧 @davidhogg111
Letting a state with less than 1 million people have an equal say over who joins the SCOTUS as one with over 30 million doesn’t make sense.
By freeing millions of Americans from the crushing burden of student debt: More homes would have been bought. More businesses would have been started. More couples would have had the confidence to start families. The Republican elected officials who sued us blocked all of it.
In our view if you wish to rule on cases brought before the court, get appointed to the court. Resign, you bourgeoisie communist ☭
Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders
In my view, if right-wing Supreme Court justices want to make public policy they should quit the Supreme Court and run for political office.
Look at this guy... Public policy.... get a grip Bernie
Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders
In my view, if right-wing Supreme Court justices want to make public policy they should quit the Supreme Court and run for political office.
The "language of the law" is you sign a loan agreement, you get a loan, then you repay the loan" Get better interns to write your samn tweets
Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren
The same Supreme Court that overturned Roe now refuses to follow the plain language of the law on student loan cancellation. This fight is not over. The President has more tools to cancel student debt — and he must use them.
Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton
The Supreme Court's recent rulings were sadly predictable for anyone who understands the hard-right agenda. Their goal has always been to install Justices whose job is to turn back the clock on our freedoms, on decades of constitutional decisions, and on our continuing struggle… https://t.co/IB0rddNvIS https://t.co/AgZitQvCli
Shame you're no longer relevant.
Imagine using the horrible deaths of school mates to pad your kick and live large... simply awful
David Hogg 🟧 @davidhogg111
The future is bright
Ahahaha . Cope and seethe
Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton
The Supreme Court's recent rulings were sadly predictable for anyone who understands the hard-right agenda. Their goal has always been to install Justices whose job is to turn back the clock on our freedoms, on decades of constitutional decisions, and on our continuing struggle…
Some of the same elected Republicans who voted to overturn my student loan relief plan benefitted from thousands in pandemic relief loans to keep their own businesses open. Those loans were forgiven. Now, they refuse to extend the same relief to borrowers with student debt.
@GoodLadSheepy @POTUS
Tell everyone you don't know how the legislative branch works without telling us...
Some of the same elected Republicans who voted to overturn my student loan relief plan benefitted from thousands in pandemic relief loans to keep their own businesses open. Those loans were forgiven. Now, they refuse to extend the same relief to borrowers with student debt.
My Administration will use every tool at our disposal to get you the student debt relief you need to reach your dreams.
Take your L and gtfo
My Administration will use every tool at our disposal to get you the student debt relief you need to reach your dreams.