@FerdinandLejeu3 Ferdinand Lejeune Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 81
Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@fartgremlin69 @theologicalsk @jawn_117 yep it is really bad. related, great papal quote from a few months ago:

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@Azhdaya__ how does he do it?

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@ektrit related: when lula's (leftwing) successor dilma rousseff was impeached back in 2016, his rightwing predecessor bolsonaro dedicated his impeachment vote to her torturer - she had been a communist revolutionary who got captured. lula himself was jailed too but only for a month.

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@FerdinandLejeu3: @d_foubert from 2020, citing a military counterintelligence officer: "I am convinced that it is 15-20% of soldiers who are on the extreme right" note: we're talking about actual rightwing extremists, not the "maybe we should not limit immigration somewhat" people https://daserste.ndr.de/panorama/archiv/2020/Bundeswehr-Rechtsextreme-bleiben-Informant-muss-gehen,mad102.html

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@RichardHanania oh no oh no oh no

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@stefanauer_hku those are the post-eurocrisis years arent they

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@vytejok also missing the extension of the soviet-german neutrality and non-aggression, which was ratified two months before the four powers pact was signed (july 1933)

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@hostilianvs @toozewhatnot lol

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@Terilien1 the story of evropean civilization is basically the story of the same north europeans who crashed the roman empire taking up the mantle of the roman empire several centuries later and just running with it. barbarian-roman synthesis, more barbarian the more north you go.

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@ramusvanagas "Any defense of nationalism platforms people that descend into the “(nation)nazi” trope"

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@Italian347 my honest reaction to that information

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@UniNWO >he doesnt know about cortes tolerating his allies eating their defeated enemies

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@Slut4Merry_wuv "how many layers of treason are you on right now" "idk maybe 1 or 2, hans?" "you are like a little baby"

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@CitizenNill 6'3 is right at the BMI cutoff for fatness btw. BMI is bad for long-time lifters but if youre not one, it's a pretty good indicator ofc. at any rate, you should be ok aiming at aiming for a lower protein intake.

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@hostilianvs same with the leaders of the free city of danzig, albeit for a shorter time for obvious reasons

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@AndrewHammel1 great replacement, europe: 😡😡😡 great replacement by rightwing jews, israel: 😱😱😱

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@FerdinandLejeu3: @femalekissinger with camels you can just put tons of stuff on their backs and theyre fine. cant do that with horses, they need wheels and carriages. and in sandy and/or uneven terrain that's just not a very good option.

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@Italian347 lol NFTs are getting axed

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@Italian347 jannysisters...

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3

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Pax Tube @MioHondaFan
The reason the German Catholic Church is so liberal is because it’s directly funded by the German government. This has led to it being staffed by thousands of lay Catholics who are Catholic in name only. They use their power to pressure their bishops to be as liberal as they are.… https://t.co/eASJbvo3iN https://t.co/kUrXt1dnRO
Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
the same is happening to german islam too btw; the german government is putting in a lot of effort to make it LGBT-compliant. indeed, this is one of the main ways islam is supposed to become "european" "i am muslim, pious and still have sex. with men!"

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View @MioHondaFan
Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@ursine_meeting HA! Yet another right-wing fake news story debunked by brave prosecutors and journalists!

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dineh 🇩🇿 @Dineh92
@FerdinandLejeu3 @Wasstheshammari wait fr? did not know that
Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@DZbateman: @Dineh92 @Wasstheshammari yep

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@hostilianvs iirc norway was already very rich by international standards as well as politically stable. there was a relative stagnation towards the end of the 19th century but they got over that.

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@FerdinandLejeu3: @BosqueAli democratic france celebrated the surrender of nazi germany by violently cracking down on algerian pro-democracy/independence protesters and launching a weeks-long campaign of mass murder that killed thousands after they attacked the french in retaliation. WW2-era liberal values.

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EU's idea of being a "regulatory superpower" disgusts me. Rather than actually developing or building technologies themselves, they aspire to creaming a little cash off the top for a few lawyers in Brussels, while the rest of the continent turns into a retirement home.
Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
"regulatory superpower by 2030"

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View @ursine_meeting
Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@FerdinandLejeu3: @sprezzatore oh nvm i was wrong. the murder-suicide was in 1992, but the peak of both of their careers was in the 80s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gert_Bastian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petra_Kelly

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@markus764 the authoritarian macron regime also refused to participate in the western boycott of the winter olympics fwiw

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@Italian347 >confusing dialect groups with sub-ethnicities certified amikäfer moment

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@Tinkzorg it's even grim if you dont care about income lol https://t.co/HVSODgrM8V
Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
: @Tinkzorg when you are a woman and want a guy of at least average height who is not obese

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@Tinkzorg it's even grim if you dont care about income lol

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@rocorambassador white and 25-35 vs. white and 25-35 PLUS 5'10 or taller and not obese.

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@Italian347 apparently it was a memorization aid that went too far

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@DIAS these were wild too (ISIS had shot down a russian plane filled with tourists over the sinai; that was just months after the charlie hebdo shooting)

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@tepper_anna die zeiten ändern sich. hier ein plakat von 1949: mit der SPD von bonn über berlin für ein freies, soziales und geeintest deutschland.

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@markus764 @StZerko kurz nachgeguckt: das war 2018, aber anscheinend war der damals auch so drauf. der PiS verteidigungsminister als russischer agent+mafioso lol bemerkenswert ist auch dass es die sparkasse war und keine private institution. einfach nur dämlich oder hybride kriegsführung oder was?

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@Italian347 "look at me these are german names now"

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@Italian347 "why dont we just put the viewers in a big neoclassical building in the middle and have the football players play football around them like on a racing track?"

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@Miyhnea live kerensky reaction

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@LRH_Superfan 😐

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@KJPiorkowska btw these arguments are hilariously wrong if youre familiar with germany. germany is a very militarized society and the majority of men over the age of 30 has gone through extended military service; even more true for older germans, i.e. those who are actually in charge right now

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@derJamesJackson related

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@Paintimes2_ "workers"

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@FerdinandLejeu3: @ArchyYes westerners have no clue how shameless the bolsheviks were

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@Independent witchcraft is a serious problem in the western world right now. not even kidding. @ektrit

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@FerdinandLejeu3: @ektrit speaking of brits i just saw this post on my timeline, calling out public TV and random people over suggesting that one can turn down heating because thats "miserabilism fetish".

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@LeaMaric L O L

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Ferdinand Lejeune @FerdinandLejeu3
@LRH_Superfan ??? but thats ALWAYS a problem when you lose weight, for pretty much EVERYONE. if you eat below maintenance, you inevitably lose muscle mass as well.

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star of david 83%

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hitler 29%

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hitler 29%

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map 75%

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toons other 64%
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face 87%

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art_other 77%

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art_other 64%

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bar graph 99%

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critters 99%

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toons other 91%

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tldr 81%

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fasces 28%

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logos_flags_graphics 82%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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mspaint style 99%