jackaltright's neighboring account vibes:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Proud Boys
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@valkyrie_vigil Searching for One Health Playbook brought me here https://www.ilri.org/news/preventing-future-pandemics-hinges-improving-global-south-livestock-systems-says-new-one-health which linked me here https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/120116 Here's one of the pictures from the brief on the page

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@Mike_from_PA @JohnFetterman

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@RockTheBlock89 @TheAquarianTV @TheProblem White means European, not any Caucasian.

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@Molls_25Mc Her Joker cosplay needs some work

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According to this Pew data from 2021 the majority of Whites in the US (62%) are apathetic to our decline in population share. At the same time we who think it's bad (26%) considerably outnumber those who think it's good (11%). That's a bit of silver lining at least.

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@LFChowning @ItsDedinho @littleapostate You sure about that?

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@hunlangos1 I mean

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@RunnelRiley https://twitter.com/jack_smith_usa_/status/1538285147467948032/photo/1

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@Pepyone @laurenboebert

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@Hendriz0 @HapaKamoaGurl @whodatgirladr @ronthacreator

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@LebowskiXP75 https://twitter.com/jack_smith_usa_/status/1538282766000869379/photo/1

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@cSEXI4 https://twitter.com/jack_smith_usa_/status/1538282621632925697/photo/1

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@GlynnShannon @JerasIkehorn

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@GiulioTesty @batsoupyum

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@KennethBoatman5 @darlenarene @aceand8s @tedcruz

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@HARDLOOKchris @MadTom52

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@IMacrepair A shekel for the good goy

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@DanRather Replacement Migration is open UN policy.

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@aaron_kinney @reddit_TLCM "right wing"

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@townhallcom Well, it's a start. But in order for the BlackRock administration to make good on its diversity promises we're going to need people who are not only female, dark, poc, non-euro, and lgbtq, but also old, ugly as sin, and unable to read.

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@jessesingal A fringe conspiracy theory openly embraced by the UN

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It's not a 'conspiracy theory'. It's open UN policy.
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I'm afraid you have Racism. It's a very serious disorder comorbid with belief in 'objective reality'. The only treatment is chemical castration.

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My hands are tied by the media right now but I can assure you that if you reelect me I'll put a stop to the rioting.

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@JRehling I concur. In that spirit we should eliminate AIPAC and similar organizations. Their blatant foreign influence should not stand.

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@David_Leavitt What about Israel?

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A GODDAMN NAZI LIKE TRUMP https://t.co/NNaepur0sf https://t.co/Ndy9RNZzqb
: Pictured: Donald Trump sieg-heiling so hard that his arm went through the wall.

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@_Valkyrie_00 somebody drew a swastika on mine

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Listen Al, I know I'm a genie and everything but I can't just make the Jews disappear. -t. Robin Williams

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Describe yourself in 4 photos
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@ryanlongcomedy Don't give me that, Adam. You know as well as I do that comedy is a major vector for propaganda. The meme is anti-White, it's false, and it's stupid. It's also everywhere. No self-respecting White person should put up with it.

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@oscarjsantos57 @liberal_evil @JosephsEddy @goodforharriers @tomerlin_k @zuccmeister @Zander9899 @SonBritain @GhostOfSperg @OneTwoGunWho @ZyclownB @wisermann @punishedrhea @MarkACollett @davidicke @Astro_Fash @JFGariepy @ChristophGottel @CEOErickHayden @nastymutant @PressSec @LondonLass9 @LanaLokteff @AnnCoulter @AllisonLeeSolin @VONWEHUNTSHOW @snarwani @LesterHoltNBC @21WIRE

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It's the Spanish word for Black

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@AryouTaheri @Chris23703 @PetiteNicoco nailed it

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@LikChan @jasonschreier Jewish behavior is the leading cause of anti-Semitism.

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@BenShapirosTop @MrPumpkinFace1 Are these 'racist caricatures'? They're drawn roughly the same. Lots of Blacks look like that. That's why it's a stereotype.

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@Aarick20 Here's what CNN claims that he wrote

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@qjenn09 @Brainiac420 @CassandraRules False. Millions of people agree with us and have for years. "9 percent in a [2017] ABC News/Washington Post poll call it acceptable to hold neo-Nazi or white supremacist views, equivalent to about 22 million Americans."

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@whois_John_Galt @dog_o_war I must say you definitely sound like a Moly fan. Here's what Hitler said the Socialism in National Socialism meant. Doesn't really fit with a contemporary notion of 'far-left' does it?

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decided to use my time in twitter purgatory to catch up on some light reading

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I decided to ask the politics board of gamefaqs, "why is 'diversity' good?". Apparently that was a bridge too far.

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@AkuraElvas @GreenManAlbion @KeithWoodsYT @6millioneggs @Uberbosst @DSAMikeP I can't remember if I even said anything to this lady

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Very cool https://twitter.com/jackaltright/status/1168311822564384771/video/1

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Watch out for that ice(((berg)))

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@RomanDominus @miavendetta10 I can do horseshoe theory too

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U.S. Senator from NY and candidate for president posting sheboons leading a globohomo religious ceremony in front of a giant idol of an ass

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@E_L_Imanuelsen @LYSGLIMT @PeterSweden7 Oh absolutely. That's why they've been thrown out of so many places, because they never did anything wrong whatsoever.

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@TheRealHonku I would enjoy a card

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@buckbyers2 @AdamSerwer They were correct

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@LivesMorgoth @NotCarKing Apparently I want a rigidly structured racial state. Sounds about right.

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@miavendetta10 The Lords of Twitter aligned these two posts for me

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Someday I'll have a room like this

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@StefanMolyneux The Southern Baptist Convention denounced and repudiated White Supremacy after conflating it with White Nationalism. The FBI and House Of Representatives recognize the two as distinct. http://www.sbc.net/resolutions/2283/on-the-antigospel-of-altright-white-supremacy

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@scottigus @RealSaavedra We see a pattern in history across time and place, wherever Jews go the host population ends up disliking/expelling them. Is it possible that the explanation for this isn't an irrational prejudice against Jews for no reason, but instead is a reaction to Jewish behavior?

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@jaclynf Jews are genetically distinct from indigenous European populations (Whites). Jews aren't White. You're not White.

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When people keep insisting that the Jew-loving, Negroid-freeing, "we want to allow millions of people to come in" President is somehow a White Nationalist #WhiteNationalistsProblems

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We're going to seize the most guns of any administration in history! No White Supremacists will be able to hide from our elite squad of undercover video game agents! No collusion!

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@SlX_MlLLlON: @SlXMILLlON @VaderVince @mitchellvii

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Reminder that FBI definitions of White Supremacist and White Nationalist were used in a resolution passed by the House of Representatives earlier this year. "To be a white nationalist is to be pro-white."

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@DineshDSouza @realDonaldTrump Go back to India you mendacious streetshitter

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Isn't that something
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@ScrimshawUltra @StefanMolyneux @MrXanCap Civnats actually believe this

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Today in The News, President Trump said something on Twitter. Theories abound as to why. We take you live to our panel of a bloviating simpleton, a Black person, and two Jews for comment.

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I guess she didn't like this
@WendyMolyneux Most of us 'Nazis' haven't liked Trump for a while. He does nothing for us. Richard Spencer talked about that on CNN recently. https://t.co/boJ6OtvYUK

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@WendyMolyneux Most of us 'Nazis' haven't liked Trump for a while. He does nothing for us. Richard Spencer talked about that on CNN recently. https://twitter.com/jackaltright/status/1154625534543970304/video/1

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@Sokode5 got me with the preemptive block

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"The United States is just, the door is wide open for us to get conquered by some other country because we have a generation of people who are yelling about Batwoman. Come on in, tanks! You will not get a fight from anyone under 40." -Mike Stoklasa https://twitter.com/jackaltright/status/1154477226349355009/video/1

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For whatever reason Jews in Europe aren't likely to report antisemitic harassment they claim to experience to the police. https://t.co/nuVObmHdw7
: It will never be enough for these people.

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Jews in Europe claim antisemitic harassment is perpetrated by left-wing people more than by right-wing people. They claim that Muslims commit the most. https://t.co/uw3Y0Mq6K9
: For whatever reason Jews in Europe aren't likely to report antisemitic harassment they claim to experience to the police.

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Over 89% of Jews in Europe have been to Israel. Over 73% have relatives there. https://t.co/KGhrUKP43z
: Jews in Europe claim antisemitic harassment is perpetrated by left-wing people more than by right-wing people. They claim that Muslims commit the most.

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Recognizing Jews by their features is considered antisemitic by over 60% of Jews in Europe. https://t.co/2U0fsmuqCQ
: Over 89% of Jews in Europe have been to Israel. Over 73% have relatives there.

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According to the EU report "Young Jewish Europeans: perceptions and experiences of antisemitism", over 95% of Jews in Europe regard 'remembering the Holocaust' as very important or fairly important to their Jewish identities. 'Believing in God' not so much. https://t.co/JIOPe1oFJx
: Recognizing Jews by their features is considered antisemitic by over 60% of Jews in Europe.

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According to the EU report "Young Jewish Europeans: perceptions and experiences of antisemitism", over 95% of Jews in Europe regard 'remembering the Holocaust' as very important or fairly important to their Jewish identities. 'Believing in God' not so much.

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P R E S I D E N T I A L H A R A S S M E N T !

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@TheNewsBriefing: @TheMarkPantano America (Israel) First!

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You know, when Jews do things like #JewsAgainstICE it really makes me not like Jews. Sure they're saying #NeverAgain and #NeverAgainIsNow but their behaviors bring #Again closer every day. They just can't help themselves. It's in their blood.

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: Familiarizing yourself with US Code is anti-somethingorother

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@ArminiusThe First published in 1950, The Authoritarian Personality is a highly influential work of White pathologization.

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@GreyGorilla1977 @AngelaDSaini ffs

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@lukellios: @leslietries She doesn't look like that. She has dark hair and dark eyes like "diverse" people, not red hair and blue eyes like people supposedly of no color.

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You're not taking my firearms @RepSwalwell

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@unZuckable @JewishJournal I feel your pain

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@lifeandmorelife I can relate. Jews do that to us all the time.

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For a number of generations Whites have been undergoing selective pressures previously unforeseen: 'can you resist System-wide, anti-White propaganda and suppression?' This is a culling process. As the generations continue the amount of susceptible Whites will decline.

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@Timcast Do you actually believe what you posted? because it's really stupid.

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@MarkFaceBk: @Judgeman03 @StefanMolyneux I concur. Their main impact and function is acting as shock troops for Globohomo. It's amazing that they can't see it.

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@StefanMolyneux Why don't you call Antifa what they are? They're anarchists and communists. This comparison to the Klan and lynching is ahistorical and lazy.

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@PrisonPlanet here you are, good goy

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: It's not a gun problem.

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: muh systemic racism

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: I'd rather see the food fight, Kamala

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@cincynancy @PureKaos26 @HapticNoise @calebhart42 because obviously I didn't have "proof"

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@Nate_McMurray Yes and what a great idea that was

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Under my administration we've had the highest numbers of Presidential Harassment in our history! We are watching and monitoring the situation. I'm giving the Democrats two weeks to come to the table and make a decision. WITCH HUNT!

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@SpwofDixie hey there fellow American of similar descent

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@JesseKellyDC George Lincoln Rockwell on (((conservatives))) https://twitter.com/jackaltright/status/1143155403431321607/video/1

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@angeryapu Small hats will hate and slander the great Aryan poet forever, but they can never take him away from us.

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If you're looking for pure, unfiltered Democrat propaganda, this series is it. The self-declared defining characteristics of each candidate presented in ~2 minute chunks.

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According to my audiences page, my followers like dogs, astronomy, and weather in addition to politics and government. Well, I'm nothing if not for the people.

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the twitter experience https://twitter.com/jackaltright/status/1142216149800824833/video/1

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@DoingRight1 Who believes this crap? She's not going to jail. Trump's not going to do anything.

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The men of my own stock, Bitter bad they may be, But, at least, they hear the things I hear, And see the things I see; And whatever I think of them and their likes They think of the likes of me.

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@wakandacit Race isn't about skin color, average 85 IQ person. Race is about genetics and ancestry. As such Jews are distinct from indigenous European groups (Whites).

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Had to double check to make sure that this is real. It is. This looks like something you'd see at the entrance to a golf course.

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@WIM_America market-based solutions

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YouTube videos about White racial politics: banned, suppressed, demonetized YouTube videos promoting transgenderism and hormone suppressors to pre-pubescent children: https://twitter.com/jackaltright/status/1139682012455817217/video/1

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Saxon Brooch 6th Century England

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"Not all country boys are bigots." An Oklahoma man decorated his pickup truck for #Pride month. His message of acceptance touched people around the world. https://t.co/1KRFnpEMs5 https://t.co/PyssOgQBz4
This isn't notable. This guy is towing the same line as huge numbers of powerful corporations and the President. Wow real newsworthy statement there guy. 'I agree with GloboHomo'. Stunning and brave.

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@StrikerIsNazb0l All that cucking and they're still calling him a Nazi. I'm sure it'll stop if he does it just a little more.

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I'm just saying that it's important that we, as women, stand strong against White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy.

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@Plague2Delta @JMesches @GovRonDeSantis @Airbnb @FloridaSBA He's Jewish. And like most Jews his primary loyalty is to Jews and Israel, not the United States.

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@DouthatNYT Conservatism is just Liberalism playing catch up.

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In the mythic days of pre-9/11 America, Family Guy depicted Slobodan Milosevic, Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro, and others as quirky, misunderstood guys having fun at a pool party. https://twitter.com/jackaltright/status/1135715071441719296/video/1

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: @autisticegirl @LibsNoFun @n0rma1k0r34n @maxdvillalobos @CinciDeplorable @weezerkaczynski @SmokeyAdoresTay @Drinkyourtea2 @TeamTMT23 @geldoon @This_Bag In the Major Arcana of the Tarot the Lovers card’s astrological correspondence is Gemini.

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@gemmaod1 Comrade Blormf wants this to be global.

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@RedState @streiffredstate

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@AtiliusMarcus @TianaTheFirst @matthewschmitz ( ( ( J U D E O - C H R I S T I A N ) ) )

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@streiffredstate @someperson426 @Tesslru @RedState

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@WSJ Never forget

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@ScottMGreer This is what Jews like Bari Weiss think being a 'decent man' is

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@realDonaldTrump we're going to make america great again by being more liberal than 90s democrats

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Three years ago today a Black child jumped into a Cincinnati Zoo enclosure in an attempt to fist bump his long lost great grandfather. As a result of that thoughtless action the noble Harambe was brutally murdered by zoo officials amidst the confusion. RIP.

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@ImperialLankan never skip leg day

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#IWouldntExistWithout White people

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Me, before Me, after Ben Shapiro Ben Shapiro

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#Gamergate2 RIP in pepperoni Sargon

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@speculawyer @AngeloJohnGage In the state of Florida in 2018, 52844 out of 70083 abortions (75.4%) were elective. Sure looks like a form of birth control to me. http://ahca.myflorida.com/MCHQ/Central_Services/Training_Support/docs/TrimesterByReason_2018.pdf

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Back in the bad old days of 2006, The Simpsons not only characterized Feminists as kooks but also had Nelson disparagingly use the word tranny. https://twitter.com/jackaltright/status/1131755944667488256/video/1

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@HermanHonkler Got me with the preemptive block

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Oh boy, someone replied to me and blocked me before I could read it. What could it be?

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@loneargos Hi there. Have a painting.

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Trump mentions the Military-Industrial Complex in Fox interview "You do have a Military-Industrial Complex. They do like war." "You have people here in Washington, they never wanna leave." "If it was up to them they'd bring thousands of soldiers in." https://twitter.com/jackaltright/status/1130695309208760325/video/1

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@Melanias_Shoes @idr_labs I'm pretty nice too but also kind of strict

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@marrowing Bring back the White Australia policy!

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@TomFitton @JudicialWatch

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Yes Goyim replace that mean President on your currency with this illiterate negress. Remember our Judeo-Christian values.

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@oslwad This was written by the Curator of the Department of Prehistoric Anthropology of the US National Museum in the 1890s. It's a very useful English language source on the subject that has no biases regarding the World Wars.

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The policy proposals in Trump's speech were very clear. His rhetoric was very clear. Trump wants large amounts of high-skill immigrants to compete directly with the Middle Class. He's completely on board with the dispossession of White Americans as long as it's done legally.

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@legionnaire_s no prob

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@rabbiandruekahn: @rabbiandykahn @ShrekOP @bentev28 Getting real tired of your shit, Shlomo.

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@Styx666Official I'm getting a settlement named after me!

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Splash splash splash I'm gonna step on the splash

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My followers have gone missing 😕 I never got a chance to thank them 😦

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@tariqnasheed Jews aren't White

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Tucker On Money Lenders “Why would a society lionize and promote a class of people who lend money for a living over people who actually make things?” https://twitter.com/jackaltright/status/1126351147084730368/video/1

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@mtracey Oh GAWD Czar Putin and Donald Hitler are going to Shoah the American Republic!!

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@JenXReport: @JenniferCaseCO Superman's disguise is a mild-mannered intellectual working a news media job. All he needs to hide in plain sight is a Gentile demeanor.

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@CascadianDennis @NMM20c never lets me down

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@penelope7usa @realDonaldTrump He's watched and done nothing as we've been demonized, fired from our jobs, beaten up on the street, had our personal relationships crumble, our rights violated, and now as we're being increasingly banned from the internet and commercial banking. What was it all for, Orange Man?

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Apparently the (((Trump administration))) is "at war" with me. Well I've got news for you: It's not a crime to criticize Jews. It's not a crime to criticize Zionism. It's not a crime to criticize Israel. It's not a crime to criticize the Israeli government.

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@Sweetandgoofy: @TurdBunny I thought this was cute animal twitter

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@betweenmargins Are you Jewish or just a big fan?

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Criminal activity aside, the man's got a point. 'Conservatives' have been very ineffective at conserving much of anything that people care about.

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@ScottMGreer Just a coincidence I'm sure

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Joe Biden wants White people to become a minority in the United States. "As a matter of fact, it's one of the things I think we can be most proud of." "Folks like me who are Caucasian...we'll be an absolute minority" "That's not a bad thing. That's a source of our strength." https://twitter.com/jackaltright/status/1121495424622370823/video/1

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Symone Sanders, who has joined Joe Biden's presidential campaign as a senior adviser, hates White people. https://twitter.com/jackaltright/status/1121492318358573057/video/1

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Jacob van Ruisdael (1628/29-1682) Edge of a Forest with a Grainfield, c. 1656

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I could wax on about how since the Death of God many have unknowingly fallen prey to perverse Consumerism or I could honk

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@MovesLikeMine @calebhart42 Cool it with the anti-White slurs, ok? No one's a "White Supremacist". I'm just being positive like Caleb wanted. What are you doing?

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@NRA @OliverLNorth Honk Honk

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@OrwellNGoode In case anyone couldn't guess

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@DanielRGT_ @calebhart42

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@Iamlucky87 @JeffreyGuterman I don't care if you think it's "racist" or not. The point is that Jews are distinct from indigenous European groups (Whites).

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Twitter took away my sonnenrad so now I'm a pony.

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@owenbroadcast: @WesternIdentity I, too, am a Brad.

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Happy Ostara everyone #firstdayofspring #SpringEquinox

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As penance for the recent terrorist attack, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (pictured) vows to convert the population of New Zealand to Islam.

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@michaelaWat @argmachinetv How do you do, fellow White people?

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@borzoopovic: @ByzantineSnake

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"Sometimes a factual statement can be racist" This was said to me in earnest as a response to factual data regarding crime rates by race. We have the greatest access to information in recorded history, yet the complete truth - reality - is deemed to be a moral failing.

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Don't let the genocide of the Boers commence with silence and complicity. Sign the petition to give them immigration priority. Immigration Priority to South African Farmers facing Systematic Land Confiscations and Murder https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/immigration-priority-south-african-farmers-facing-systematic-land-confiscations-and-murder

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"Holocaust" and "6,000,000 Jews" stories brought to you since 1869 by the "Newspaper of Record" #HolocaustMemorialDay

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🌲 Good Yule to all the Volk 🌲

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Cuckservative: "Fascism is un-Amer..."

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"We're sick of racism" Throughout history when multiple racial groups are under the same government and especially when in the same proximity, the result has always been ethnic strife. This is entirely predictable as humans are tribal beings. America is no different.

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They're Anarchists and Communists. "Nazis" do not have a monopoly on political violence and silencing opponents. Learn history.

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It sure is something seeing all these atheists telling people to #PrayForNYC ...just like with every other terrorist attack. 🙄

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Whites have the right to exist - as Whites - in White countries #WhiteLivesMatter

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@HarmlessYardDog @RichardBSpencer

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Somebody's doing the shooting. http://whosshooting.com

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