@RAJeTweets Russell James

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
The Holohoax is the biggest of big lies: https://www.stormfront.org/forum/blogs/u151910-e4657/
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Yorkshire and The Humber @MarkACollett
This display of Turkish nationalism is not taking place in Turkey, but in Germany! https://t.co/QToq0xKYWY
Russell James @RAJeTweets
Yet the (((establishment))) media want us to believe that "White Nationalism" is the problem. Globalism/Multiculturalism is the problem. White Nationalism is the answer!

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Anyone who calls White people "racist" for attempting to protect their legitimate collective interests is anti-White and not to be trusted. New Zealand Muslim PewDiePie Candace Owens Christchurch Julius Caesar #NewZealandShooting #NZMosqueShooting #IdesOfMarch

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Exactly! Multiculturalism leads to hostility and violence. The (((elites))) understand this; it's all part of their plan to destroy White nations in an effort to induce us into a Jew-dominated World Government. #WarOnWhites #NZMosqueShooting #NewZealandShooting #IdesOfMarch
By condemning the Christchurch New Zealand Muslim mosque attacks you are saying that Whites don't have the right to defend themselves from invasion and the anti-White bias, violence, and crime that often accompanies it. PewDiePie WhiteNationalist Candace Owens Brenton Tarrant

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Host Jim Rizoli talks with Hadding Scott about "holocaust denial", historical revisionism, Jewish Power in America, and other taboo topics. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Zp1SNlLVGRmP/ #Holocaust #Holohoax #Jewishness #RealHistory #WarOnWhites

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Multiculturalism means non-Whites invading White countries and establishing their own communities. Another word for it is "colonization". If colonization equals genocide for non-Whites, why is it a "strength" for Whites?

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
We're getting no where by endlessly arguing topical issues The (((elites))) know this it's why they keep us busy talking about gun control, abortion, Islam, immigration, etc. Our problems won't be solved until we openly acknowledge that White Genocide is real & Jews r behind it

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#ICouldGetAJobAs a White Rights Advocate if only society saw some value in it (and thus they existed).

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Such is the world we live in now.

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Lies about the Holocaust and Auschwitz Create Huge Profits: The VeGAINator analyzes the article, "Holocaust or Hollow Hoax? 10 Reasons the 'Holocaust' Never Happened" and shows how the Jews have made . . . https://www.stormfront.org/forum/blogs/u151910-e4660/ #Jewishness #Holocaust #Holohoax #TruthTellers

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story NEVER Told! Episode 6 starts by examining the "Holocaust" myth in detail -- debunking the gas chamber foolishness and assaying the magic number 6,000,000. It goes on to . . . https://www.bitchute.com/video/W3oo90Fv8ZyT/ #TruthTellers #Holocaust #Holohoax #RealHistory

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Great short article gives 10 reasons the "holocaust" never happened: https://theforemostproblem.blogspot.com/2017/03/holocaust-or-hollow-hoax-10-reasons.html #Holocaust #Holohoax #Jewishness #EndZionism #SOTU
RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul
The Holocaust is an amazing event that becomes more important as time passes. In 1946, a year after WW2, President Truman didn’t even bother to mention the event in his State Of The Union address. 73 years later, it is the central message of the #SOTU19

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Everybody's talking about the #SOTU When's Trump going to talk about White Genocide and the Jews behind it? American Indian #EndWhiteGenocide #WhiteAmerica #LiberalismIsTreason #RealRacism #StateOfTheUnion

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#ThereShouldBeALimitOn the number of non-Whites who are allowed to come into our countries, live in our communities, and work in our institutions. And it should be zero. #EndWhiteGenocide #DownWithTheMultiCult #RealRacism #LiberalismIsTreason

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#PatriotsNation I wish we had a real Patriot Nation. "Patriot" is from the root "of the father". Very similar in meaning to "Nationalist", which means "2 be born to" or "2 be born into." To be a patriot is 2 be a nationalist & vice versa. #EndWhiteGenocide #LiberalisIsTreason

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Conservative Whites need 2 wake-up to the fact that our struggle is much bigger than muh guns, muh flag, & muh Jesus & understand that it is about our genes. The Jewish "Left" & their collaborators are engaged in an effort to eradicate White nations. Democracy Dies in Darkness

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
I wonder. Are women really as disgusting as the "Left" seems to think they are? #FeminismIsHate #Misandry #ProLife

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
It's pathetic to try to prove to our enemies that we are "not racist" or "not sexist". Who cares what they think; they're insane. #RealRacism #WarOnWhites #WarOnMen

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Although the gist of this graphic is true, the real reason men have a fundamental right to keep and bear arms is to protect themselves from the elites, and their enforcers (i.e. cops, soldiers, etc.). #2ndAmendment #GunRights #WarOnWhites #BoycottNRA #CPAC2018

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Nationalists are the real conservatives. #CPAC2018 #USAvsCAN #WarOnWhites #DiversityAgenda #Globalism

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
To be a conservative in America in 2018 means to strive to conserve White America -- its traditions, its heritage, its very existence. Ask yourself, "Is CPAC trying to do that? #CPAC2018 #WarOnWhites #Globalism #Nationalism #DiversityAgenda

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#NoMuslimBanEver A Muslim ban is not enough. We must ban all non-Whites and restore America to it's European heritage if we are to save it. #WarOnWhites #Jewishness #Globalism #DiversityAgenda

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
The purpose of the Second Amendment is 2 enforce the First Amendment. Without it the control-freaks in the government would soon strip us of all other rights. Guns rights are the foundation of freedom. Now ask yourself, "Why do they want 2 strip us of that right? #GunReformNow

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Jacob Zuma is a lot like Elizabeth Warren and Frederick Douglas -- hostile partisans of an anti-White regime.

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#ThingsThatImSickOf Elizabeth Warren #WarOnWhites #Misandry #DiversityAgenda I bet #YouDidntExpect this Is Loony Lizzie asking "How, pale face?"

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#IStillHaventFound a single primary source documenting that the "Holocaust" actually happened, but I've found hundreds of books proving that it didn't, you can read many of them here: http://www.colchestercollection.com/subjects/holocaust.html #MondayMotivation #WarOnWhites #Holocaust #Holohoax

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#IfYouSmell a rat, remember that White Genocide is real and Jews are behind it! #Jewishness #WarOnWhites #DiversityAgenda #ReleaseTheMemo

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#NothingMattersBut Ending the war on Whites. Diversity = White Genocide #WhenTheAliensCome #TuesdayThoughts #WarOnWhites #DiversityAgenda

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
The Lowest White Man Attorney Ed Steele, author of DEFENSIVE RACISM (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/D/defensive-racism.html), was imprisoned by Obama for researching a book exposing the Jews behind the White slave trade. He died mysteriously -- in prison -- shortly after. #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Black Lives Matter Rally 16 of 43 million blacks were killed by cops last year: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/451466/police-violence-against-black-men-rare-heres-what-data-actually-say More than 25,000 Whites are killed by blacks every year. When will White Lives Matter?: http://black-on-white-crime.blogspot.com/p/just-facts-brief-summary-of-interracial.html

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
@TiffanyBond I'm not selling "bliss" or anything else. (((Globalists))) are deliberately trying to destroy White America (for their own obvious, selfish reasons)--feminism is one method they are using to destroy us. I believe that if people understood that, they would make different choices.

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
I wish they'd make up my mind. If the (((establishment))) is going to label us as racist (and punish us) for recognizing racial differences then how are we going to be able to recognize Muslims in our communities?

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#WhatILearnedToday Feminism, as promoted by the (((regime))), is designed to weaponize White women against White men in order to get them to think, act, and (most importantly) vote in a way that is conducive to advancing the (((regime)))'s interests. #mepolitics #HolyInnocents

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
White men are the rightful rulers of White nations, the rightful leaders of our institutions, and the rightful heads of our families. Anyone who says otherwise is a genocidal maniac who must be brought to justice. #mepolitics #DiversityAgenda #DownWithTheMultiCult #WarOnWhites

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
All I want for Christmas is an end to Jewish hegemony and the ongoing attempt to genocide all White nations it engenders. #HipsterXmasSon #GOPTaxBillScam #NSD18 #CardinalLaw #WednesdayWisdom #WarOnWhites #Jewishness

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
The man in this iconic photo w/ Rosa Parks went on to become the Montgomery police chief who wrote a tell all book exposing the "Civil Rights" movement as a scripted hoax. The book: https://www.amazon.com/Another-View-Civil-Rights-Movement/dp/B001R6IQ7U/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 Listen to an interview w/ MPD Chief Drue Lackey: https://media.blubrry.com/political_cesspool/b/content.blubrry.com/political_cesspool/tpc20130209c.mp3

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#SignsYoureARealAdult You're willing to look at things critically and open your mind to possibilities beyond your (((Globalist))) programming.

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Only two kinds of people deny White Genocide -- fools who don't understand what's going on and monsters who are deliberately trying to promote it. #MondayMotivation #WarOnWhites #DiversityAgenda #DownWithTheMultiCult #WorldKindnessDay

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
"Kindness" like charity starts at home. Let's be kind to our own people and end the "diversity" experiment. #WorldKindnessDay

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
A list of just some of the Jew groups who've gone on record saying White lives don't matter. #FridayFeeling #FlashbackFriday #WarOnWhites

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Trump Stephen Miller Happy Thanksgiving Canada #ColumbusDay #MondayMotivation #Outnumbered #IndigenousPeoplesDay

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
When black players say things like this they're really saying f*** my White teammates. @RobGronkowski @Patriots #MondayMotivation #DoNoHarm

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Happy New Year Melania Trump Jake Lamotta #QuestionsINeedAnswersTo #WednesdayWisdom #BadReasonsToStayTogether #RoshHashanah #Goalkeepers17

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
America First #ThursdayThoughts #TalkLikeAPirateDay The antarian construct of "White privilege" was invented and is promoted by Jews, yet:

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Trump Vindicated #ThursdayThoughts #MorningJoe #FakeNews #RussianHackingLie #MAGA

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#WarAgainstWhites #WhiteGenocide #Zionism #OpenBorders #DiversityAgenda

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
A fat Jewess as Barbie. Oh how the Fat Cat Jews that run #Hollyweird must laugh. #WarOnWhites #JewishHegemony
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Russell James @RAJeTweets
@MLKstudios @cdniron Generally, I don't trust anyone that isn't woke and willing to speak the truth to Jewish Power. #WarOnWhites #Holohoax

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#HowToAchieveInnerPeace Reject White guilt and learn the truth about your history, starting with the "holocaust": http://theforemostproblem.blogspot.com/2017/03/holocaust-or-hollow-hoax-10-reasons.html

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
I'm not sure, but my recent blog post goes a long way toward debunking the "holocaust" myth. #Holohoax #RealHistory #WarOnWhites #Altright https://twitter.com/trutherbotsilve/status/845407372646334464

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
I wrote a short blog entry on how "the Left" uses the term "people of color", to marginalize & exclude Whites: http://theforemostproblem.blogspot.com/2017/03/whites-are-true-people-of-color.html

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
@I_like_Whites I like Holohoax or the biggest of Big Lies: https://theforemostproblem.blogspot.com/2017/03/holocaust-or-hollow-hoax-10-reasons.html #Holohoax #BigLies #WarOnWhites #JewishHegemony #MAGA

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
@KittenHoliday That's a Cultural Marxist canard. The sexes' interests never conflict, bcuz they're complementary: http://theforemostproblem.blogspot.com/2017/03/feminism-is-not-about-gender-equality.html

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Although Whites are #Outnumbered 8-1 in the world we will not be exterminated. #WarOnWhites #WhiteGenocide #DiversityAgenda #JewishHegemony

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
But of course. According to (((Cultural Marxist))) propaganda Jews and blacks are better than Whites at everything.
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Russell James @RAJeTweets
My latest blog makes the case that Whites are the true people of color & that the term was coined to exclude Whites: https://theforemostproblem.blogspot.com/2017/03/whites-are-true-people-of-color.html

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Birth of the Biggest Lie The "holocaust" narrative that the Germans deliberately killed 6,000,000 Jews is the biggest of #BigLies #Holohoax

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#WhatEverHappenedTo Justice and sanity. Stop White Genocide #WarOnWhites #WhiteGenocide #Jewishness #JewishHegemony

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Jews have been lying about 6,000,000 for centuries: http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/F/first-holocaust.html #Holohoax #FakeNews #JewishHegemony #WarOnWhites #AltRight
RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul
I believe in all of the Holocausts. Including the six million that suffered in 1840, 1919 and 1945. Sounds like YOU are the denier. https://twitter.com/ShimonLevit/status/844279935799906304

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#4WordGreatIdeas "End the diversity agenda." Unity is our strength. Diversity is our destruction. #DiversityAgenda #WarOnWhites #MAGA

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#MyLeastFavorite4Words "Diversity is our strength." Unity is our strength. The #DiversityAgenda is about dividing and conquering us. #MAGA

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#YouMadeItAwkwardWhen you said:

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Another Jew pretending to be White so he can "speak for us" when he tells us that we need to stand-down in the genocidal war against us.

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Is it a COHENcidence?
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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#FreeAdviceIn5Words Diversity agenda is White Genocide #UPDATE #ThursdayThoughts #BoycottHawaii #WarOnWhites

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Michael Brown is just one more narrative in the list of #FakeNews narratives promoted by the (((establishment))) media. #WarOnWhites #MAGA

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
If White women don't start having babies again, white children will be a minority everywhere. #InternationalWomensDay #NotMyProtest

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#IFightFor the survival of White nations all over the world in an effort to end White Genocide & bring those responsible for it to justice.

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#ImAtThatAge we're I've learned the truth about "the Left".

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
The purpose of feminism is to get women to think, act, and (most importantly) vote in ways conducive to advancing (((globalist))) interests.
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Russell James @RAJeTweets
And is it just a cohencidence that they're both Jews? #MAGA #DeepState #WarOnWhites #Jewishness #JewishPower https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/838103980639137792

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
#WhatILookForInAFriend A complete devotion to the 14 words.

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
No shred of a paper trail has ever been found, indicating that the Germans deliberately tried to exterminate Jews. #Holohoax #BigLies

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Real America has rejected the (((MSM))) #FakeNews narrative about #Sessions and the Russia-contact narrative. Let's move on. #WarOnWhites

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
Enough about the manufactured #Sessions Russia-contact story. Why won't the (((MSM))) talk about immigrant crime? http://black-on-white-crime.blogspot.com/p/just-facts-brief-summary-of-interracial.html

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Russell James @RAJeTweets
The truth behind Jewish hate hoaxes the (((MSM))) is promoting 2 misdirect Whites from pursuing their best interests http://www.dailystormer.com/philly-jews-destroy-another-one-of-their-own-graveyards-to-blame-trump/

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