@R00FT0PK0REAN RooftopKorean. Goyim. https://t.co/5X7bA5CU90

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 48
RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
So "start up the panzers" by no remorse came on and i got a little to into it. F.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
Anthea @Anthea06274890
Business owners in Louisiana take to their roofs with guns to prevent looting in the wake of Hurricane Ida. https://twitter.com/Anthea06274890/status/1435528356674641921/video/1

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
Just got a new book.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
Sand Nigger.
friendlyrandy @friendlyrandy
Seppo Mart-sharter Person of Burger Golem Greatest Ally Rascal-skooters AmeriClaps Mall Citizens https://twitter.com/FailLior/status/1416788363328294918

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
Twitter is dead to me.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
Should i get the spencer burger or the roof burger for lunch?

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friendlyrandy @friendlyrandy
Found out I can legit wear a mouthless balaclava as a mask under the lockdown rules. U know what that means. https://t.co/OOa95GFxBd
RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
every nigger i saw walking down the street during lockdown was wearing one of these.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
Made an aesthetic picture. I'm a photographer now.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@BolsoFren it do be monday. henlo.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@20milligrams: @raiinntweets @JC97MrBootleg @Flamingotherin2 @RetroFirearms

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friendlyrandy @friendlyrandy
@R00FT0PK0REAN One of SBENS finest
RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@fr3nnlon @otisrex

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
HENLO!! ORKIN!!! the moon crickets are in my yard again!

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
Quote of the day.
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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@CottonFren Happy birfday cotton.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
so if evil nazis spray paint a swastika on my house do i have to clean it off?

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
just called out sick from work. i aint even sick.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@CozyFren1 you will be ok fren.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@CozyFren1 mornt.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@CottonFren yea, hes about yay high.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@Shadow_man311 Even kids know niggers cause societal breakdown. K.K.K.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
It looked fancy so i grabbed it.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
TFW you realize you liked a trannys reply.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
think im gunna walk around the block while i smoke my cigarette. see if any thing interesting is happening.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
after 4 years of jew nationalism disguised as "good optics" white nationalism, and an upcoming 4 years of white suppression/oppression. can we please get an actual white nationalist candidate in 2024?

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
lol elect who ever you want goy. im still your leader.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@TheHinduDindu @agent_coofstein whats the point!? just cook some ziti if youre going to do this.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@Andywarski das coo.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
Supreme Führer Adolf Jong-un. Inspired by @CottonFren posts.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@poeticgoddess5 @TwittahVictoria F. my favorite nigger is a faggot.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
i should dump my hard drive unto the timeline more often. got many notifications.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
face dox. and yes i really am black.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
i had to delete a tweet with 3 likes on it!!! just because i did the math in it wrong.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
I HATE NIGGERS I HATE THE FUCKIN LOT! YOU BETTER GET A WASH! AND YOUR HAIR CUT!! https://twitter.com/rooftopkorean93/status/1308058666885623808/photo/1

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@ww1_luigi NIGGER!

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@pinochetbelle @autarded (((Moon)))

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@EGroypley: @e_elivs Nigger

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@DavidNuke2 tweet something nigger.

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𝑮𝑨𝑻𝑶𝑹 @TheGatorGamer
@TheRalphRetort @Mattaconda Everyone that's watched your content since GG knows this. Lying about something that easy to disprove shows that you've really gotten under his skin in a way I've never seen before. He wants you gone badly.
RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@TheRalphRetort @Mattaconda NIGGER!.

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View @TheGatorGamer
Ethan Ralph @TheRalphRetort
Null the broken dick loser is spouting off more lies about my ex-wife and how we met, her age (she was 18, for the record), etc. We met on air btw, in front of @Mattaconda and others. She literally tells me she's 18 on that show, the first time I ever spoke to her lol.
RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@Mattaconda can i say nigger in youre comments?

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View @TheRalphRetort
RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@nocturne_bat @JohanSchulze 9/11 kikes agree.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@TwittahVictoria nigger

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
nigger posts dont get likes any more, gatta think of a new gimmick https://twitter.com/rooftopkorean93/status/1277308726064623616/photo/1

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@AquinasSwiftwo2 the swan is whit so the nigger that killed her eggs should get fed posted with a brick.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@Its_Yudachi: @TheyHateYudachi @WesternCath ITS NIGGER THIRTY https://twitter.com/rooftopkorean93/status/1275132705911562243/photo/1

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
i just ate half a kfc sandwich in one bite. i might be a nigger guys

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@ReaICozy fucking nigger birds

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@Froger99 double nigger

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
son of a nigger.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
@MulletMode @CoopFren The nigger word is a bad one.

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RooftopKorean. @R00FT0PK0REAN
They fucked me outta my account says i can do nothing to unlock it need my 16 frens and nibbas back.

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
happy merchant 100%
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star of david 89%

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hitler 30%
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etc 78%

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hitler 29%

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etc 99%

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art_other 74%

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mspaint style 87%

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art_other 49%
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critters 67%

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toons other 99%

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tldr 45%
logos_flags_graphics 44%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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tldr 89%