@DaiValaniratyCi Mommy Dai ☘️♑🇮🇪 Wannabe Housewife/Mother, Still hoping to make a happy family with the man I love, Irish Catholic. Diversity will be our downfall

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Proud Boys Liminal Order
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Mommy Dai ☘️♑🇮🇪 @DaiValaniratyCi
Fuck you for disregarding the pain of our ancestors. Fuck you for not even listening to what others had to go through. So blinded by hate you can't even comprehend or fathom the word 'nigger' could be used on another race. I'm so sick of it.

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Mommy Dai ☘️♑🇮🇪 @DaiValaniratyCi
I am so sick and tired of black people disregarding what the Irish went through. I'm also so sick of them refusing to even listen when I bring up the fact that most Irish get called 'potato niggers' You know what I get? 'You're not black, don't use that word' Fuck you.

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Mommy Dai ☘️♑🇮🇪 @DaiValaniratyCi
What a fag https://twitter.com/davidmackau/status/1270150668276375552
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Mommy Dai ☘️♑🇮🇪 @DaiValaniratyCi
That's it, these aren't people. Whoever did this needs to be treated the same way, Wrapped in wire, beaten and strung up. What a fucking waste of space. These niggers can all fucking die, I'm done.
Discordia @discordia3052
Fuck everything. https://t.co/799GkwoChZ

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Mommy Dai ☘️♑🇮🇪 @DaiValaniratyCi
@Jaded_Mari Ahh, yes so you are completely brainwashed and disregarding evidence. Also yes, I will use the n word because I don't approve of words having such power or those telling me not to use them. I get called a potato nigger more than you'd believe.

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Mommy Dai ☘️♑🇮🇪 @DaiValaniratyCi
@PrisonPlanet Wait are you a fag? You're looking very homosexual in that picture.

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Mommy Dai ☘️♑🇮🇪 @DaiValaniratyCi
@ComradeTheD: @collindow1 @rationalbigboy @BlckGhstGvming @coherentstates Funny, as an Irish person who gets told all the time 'your people don't count' or 'you weren't enslaved' or 'your white so it's not the same' Not to mention I get called 'potato nigger' a lot. Oh, but no, it's only blacks. Whites were never enslaved. Right, got it :>

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