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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
And he almost won.
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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
I scowl at women on the street.

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
“Hence the fierce hatred of capitalistically-inclined Jewry for [the German army] in which money is not identical to position, dignity or even honor, but Merit, and in general, the honor of ranking among people of a certain Merit, is valued more than possessing assets or wealth.”

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
@loslassengroyp @kunny_kossack

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
Kantbot’s shtick depends on a kneejerk reaction to the word “psyop,” for if he ever explained that actual psychological operations consisted of dropping balloons full of pro-democracy pamphlets into Czechoslovakia (image related), nobody would care.
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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
One of the overriding concerns of Nazi pedagogy was physical fitness. Children who had “illnesses which have severely reduced their vitality,” “who show a permanent aversion to personal hygiene,” or who failed physical ed requirements were barred from entering secondary school. https://t.co/Q5mOQxzNki
Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
: Race Studies were the other primary focus of education. Students were to practically apply “heredity to the breeding of domestic animals and cultivated plants.” Younger ones had to draw up genealogical charts of their families.

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
One of the overriding concerns of Nazi pedagogy was physical fitness. Children who had “illnesses which have severely reduced their vitality,” “who show a permanent aversion to personal hygiene,” or who failed physical ed requirements were barred from entering secondary school.

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
I should redpill the normies

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
This image was my ideology when I was 14.
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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
A 1935 article from the Deutsches Philologen-blatt by Hans Donndorf celebrating Thus Spake Zarathustra, and its “intense appeal that our spiritually-active Youth has not been able to escape for several years.” Donndorf calls for an education system based on Nietzschean principles

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
1938 page from the Stürmer — “So slaughters the Jew” — depicting the cruelty of Kosher meat preparation.

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
In the beginning was Strength.

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
The Adolf Hitler schools had a textbook on Lacedaemonian history written by Otto Wilhelm von Vacano titled “Sparta: Life Struggle of a Nordic Masterrace,” which hailed the Spartans as ancient Nazis on the basis of their anti-democratic worldview and strict Eugenic policy.

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
1930 article from the Volkischer Beobachter: “What is Nietzsche to us today? — A fighter against the insanity of democracy.”

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
The Wehrmacht’s Signal was the first color news magazine in the world, with an international readership in occupied Europe and several neutral nations. There was an English edition as well, and after 1943 the magazine featured articles lamenting the decline of American culture. https://t.co/Fpd2KedkCK
Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
: Some excerpts from interviews the magazine conducted with British and American POWs in France. The Nazi view was that the British upper classes were woefully ignorant of the socialist outlook of their inferiors, and that Americans didn’t know why they were fighting at all.

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
The Wehrmacht’s Signal was the first color news magazine in the world, with an international readership in occupied Europe and several neutral nations. There was an English edition as well, and after 1943 the magazine featured articles lamenting the decline of American culture.

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
@lucancollier @Antweegonus So we agree that the nature of said monarchy is important when determining whether or not it is traditional. This is your king.

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
The Jew — be he rich, poor or middle-class, urban or suburban — will always side against the White man, even when it would be in his material interest not to do so (as in midcentury America). This is never a failure of organization, but a matter of spite.

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
The rise of Marxism can best be understood as a militant Jewish attack on White Civilization. Some excerpts from Johannes Rogella von Bieberstein’s Jüdischer Bolschewismus: Mythos und Realität:

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
Googie was the distinctive style of a confident and prosperous American West, what leftists lampoon as “consumerist.” As our cities got darker and society more collectivist, it fell out of popularity. https://t.co/PIEaiKP5vy https://t.co/pePQiitam4
Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
: The futurist architecture of the 50s and 60s was vibrant and exciting, its Parametricist counterpart today is colorless and ugly.

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
Googie was the distinctive style of a confident and prosperous American West, what leftists lampoon as “consumerist.” As our cities got darker and society more collectivist, it fell out of popularity.
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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
“Democrat Programs… but National Socialist.”

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
1939 model of a German planned neighborhood. Werner Knapp saw such designs as modern expressions of the medieval village — crafted on the basis of blood, soil and life.

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
“Hoisted by your own petard eh? Now everyone knows that none of you are Habsburg restorationist ultramontanes!” “Hitler hated Christ.”

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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
ZOGbeef deleted the tweet. Total Sentinel Victory.
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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
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Stýrimann til Gripær @styrimangroyper
One is struck by the fidelity of Nazi architecture to the Greek spirit. This neoclassicism extended beyond just columns, cornices and architraves; the Nazis didn’t merely ape the Hellenes, but evolved along the same line.

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