@hotepspostingls afrocentrists posting their L's online Egyptians are fed up with hoteps and snowteps. DM open for submissions. Cairo, Egypt 🇪🇬

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@t04ds him talking about “skin tone” when the egyptian man is only a shade lighter 😂😂

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shouldn’t you worry less about north africans and more about the daughter you hopefully won’t see again
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@AhmedSamir89 she’s not even closet tho

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black Americans larping as pharaohs worst nightmare:

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@Mahmoud12372306 @Tikursewu @AzharBinSalim1 @historycalendar this is from a study to be published soon and it alludes to the same thing

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@hotepspostingls: @Mahmoud12372306 @Tikursewu @AzharBinSalim1 @historycalendar

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@hotepspostingls: @Mahmoud12372306 @Tikursewu @AzharBinSalim1 @historycalendar https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms15694

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@batalasart @Americosoldier because he is a hotep and openly racist

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@Beyoku i just saw this as well 🤯

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@Americosoldier i love that you glossed over the genetic studies and is still making shit up as you go, Egypt is one of the least ethnically diverse countries in the world, stop drawing random comparisons because your knowledge of history and people is sooo limited, just take the L and go

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@Americosoldier @christo44211670 1- nubians aren’t ethnic egyptians 2- Egyptians aren’t ethnic arabs

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@GhostofHarrietT @Mister_Imhotep

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ratioed by a real Egyptian
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this is also wrong and a misconception, muslim egyptians are native and they carry indigenous halpogroup.
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@Anubisegypt @sorryboy321 المصريي مش خليط محتلين يا جاهل، المصريين سكان اصليين واقرب شعب للمصري القديم، الاختلاف الوحيد هو زيادة نسبة اختلاطهم مع الافارقة جنوب الصحراء بعد العصر الروماني

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what a stroke looks like in 240 characters

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“Egyptian history will always be our business since it's located in africa and no where else. Black folks have every right to be a part of it unlike mulatto's who are children of invaders from (Roman,Greek, Persian Empire).”
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@kokagenda @Master_Yoda_1 @maybak_sranan @negropessimist that much is clear lmfao

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@kokagenda @Master_Yoda_1 @maybak_sranan @negropessimist and then getting annoying about us replying, and also getting annoyed if we block them, bunch of psychos “proudly blocked by habibis” is literally his bio the unhinged troll

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@hotepspostingls: @Master_Yoda_1 @maybak_sranan @negropessimist @kokagenda the subject “north africa” the people in this conversation’s locations, all you need to do for us to go away is shut the hell up about us, there is nothing we want more than never speaking to your asses ever again

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before the colonization of who?

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: im literally crying this dude got so much white guilt to deal with 😭😭😭

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@ZevV11 @Eslam30078969 @Samar61941114 @Shoier__ @TheEgyptianLad7 kiss yourself amoeba

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@ZevV11 @Shoier__ @TheEgyptianLad7 @Samar61941114 coptic language only serves in the coptic church, copts speak arabic and are fully arabized, egyptians muslims are converts from christianity, egypt was majority christian up until the 11th century, why are you sooo dense?????

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@ZevV11 @Shoier__ @TheEgyptianLad7 @Samar61941114 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

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@hotepspostingls: @freerangerabbit @Maurytourah74 @WatchDogs190 @ZUKO_AJ @the_militarist

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@kuya_drake source: his own youtube channel

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