@ichinita310 A. Ichikawa KPSS Giving a voice to the voiceless|💵$Amiex310 Opinions/tweets are MINE-do not rep any org or entity 🇺🇸#KeepPrisonsSingleSex #ImHugeAngry #TruthTeller #SisNotCis Los Angeles, CA

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 10
A. Ichikawa KPSS @ichinita310
There are 2 transmen in CDCR being prepped for #SRS I cannot imagine the horrors they are about to inflict on themselves by allowing the state to do #Phalloplasty The very same state that was just going to remove the wrong breast on another prisoner.

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A. Ichikawa KPSS @ichinita310
@CEJacksonLaw Men are permitted to reside at the “mother infant program” as well if sb132 is implemented according to law. I don’t know how much more dehumanizing this can get.

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A. Ichikawa KPSS @ichinita310
@yasminwilde @LucyABeaumont and..people don’t have to declare they’re trans. They can declare any of the following via gender self ID. ⬇️ Please visit the link to directly access the law as written. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200SB132

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A. Ichikawa KPSS @ichinita310
@yasminwilde @LucyABeaumont Yea. I was interviewed for the same article, as were my colleagues and somehow not a single word any of us uttered made it in the piece. Didn’t fit the narrative they’re pushing on the gullible readers or those who hate women.

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A. Ichikawa KPSS @ichinita310
@KnownHeretic @jeremyreporter @danaandra @FreyaLee5806 @Brookse32 @EndAllPrivilege @philthatremains @hunnybadgermom @MaggieMurphy01 @unblockedlive @_ChogunRua @VTV115 @JustinTemplerSr @AndyBCampbell @misstessowen @LauraJedeed @HuffPost @letsgomathias @MargaretLHuang @jo_mendelson @cassiepmiller @MichaelEHayden @washingtonpost @SallyBuzbee @RepPeteAguilar @Liz_Cheney @kara_ahern @BennieGThompson @RepZoeLofgren @splcenter @bariweiss @RyanHoliday @tzimmer_history @JoyAnnReid @JonHaidt @TheFIREorg @VPS_Reports @penn_state @SchwartzJustin @NathaliaHolt @WhoopiGoldberg @JoyVBehar @megynkelly @MrAndyNgo @BrentSteinmann @sunny @ananavarro @TheView @MeghanMcCain @reason And let’s not forget this highlight of wispa-

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A. Ichikawa KPSS @ichinita310
@Tr4nswomenRMen @JeannaHoch Hehe yes

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A. Ichikawa KPSS @ichinita310
@FaitAccompli75 @AnneDCtheWitch was also on probation, on the sex offender registry AND then there’s this…

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A. Ichikawa KPSS @ichinita310
Ladies: social media is a public platform. Don’t give our opposition MORE tools to destroy and further divide us by sharing your tears and fears PUBLICLY. I’ve got no choice but to believe that those who cont’ to do this are in it for attention and not for change. Huddle up! 🤫

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A. Ichikawa KPSS @ichinita310
@LucyABeaumont 🤷🏻‍♀️

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A. Ichikawa KPSS @ichinita310
This is Hillary and Ed Buck…reportedly a friend of David Depape the nudist who reportedly attacked Mr. Pelosi. If you don’t know where Ed Buck is you can use the federal prison inmate locator.
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A. Ichikawa KPSS @ichinita310
@LaelMichelle1 Victim of LoOove

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