@greyaesthetic keskittyä German engineering, Japanese electronics. Waterloo

greyaesthetic's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Misogyny
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 91

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@AlexofAllGames Only way it'd work for me with a black actor is if Richard Pryor were still alive. Pryor playing a white guy playing an Aussie method actor playing a stereotypical black guy (from an average oblivious white guy's perspective) with blackface on top of whiteface. https://twitter.com/greyaesthetic/status/1629854938636464130/video/1

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@autisticbimbo You got me. I just wanted to take the opportunity to use the term "domesticated blacks" without forcing it into conversation for once.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@kitten_beans @AgingWhiteGay @JamesHarvey2503 Actual misogynist here, thought I'd interject because I'm tired of you birds being wrong all the time. I have no interest in telling you how to feel or think, because I only ever expect you to feel and never think.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
You posted this image years ago. I still think Ocarina and Majora's should switch sides. But here's some white pills.

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View @frozenaesthetic
keskittyä @greyaesthetic

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@autisticbimbo Toss-up for me between Riddick and Xena.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@AdrianneCurry I think Rose could pull it off.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
I'd never heard of hollercost rembrandt's day before yesterday. Did I go through another Berenstein Vortex or was everyone just pretending it had always been a thing out of fear?

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@RadicalLib Original had a silly amount of kilobytes. Just absolutely foolish quantity.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@Acadius @TheresaCampagna @ComicLoverMari @MrGabeHernandez

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@DlNDU__NUFFIN @autisticbimbo @tahukann It's false. Total fabrication. It's made up. Pure fiction. Not this time. Never happened. This one was invented by a ちゃんころ. https://t.co/rh5avuconZ
keskittyä @greyaesthetic
: @DlNDU__NUFFIN @autisticbimbo @tahukann I'm gonna get b& and v& for this aren't I. Oh well, starting '23 as a hater let's go.

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View @greyaesthetic
keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@DlNDU__NUFFIN @autisticbimbo @tahukann It's false. Total fabrication. It's made up. Pure fiction. Not this time. Never happened. This one was invented by a ちゃんころ.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@TonyDexter7 Dumbass.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
Nobody will remember you 160 years from now, no evidence that you ever existed will remain, nobody will discuss your ideas or views. But at least you're not an "incel". Congratulations on having sex.
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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@autisticbimbo Going by what I've seen you tweet, I thought mine would all be red. What gives?

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@autisticbimbo: @OMONIXON "built for bbc"

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@fuckedupfoods That's rotini not spaghetti

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@autisticbimbo: @OMONIXON Hollywood doesn't hate milk, it's just a coincidence.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@autisticbimbo: @OMONIXON sincerely appreciated.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@TheEbonyMaw @CantMowThisBird Is that so?

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
I've missed the theatre-going experience.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
Cows are stupid and delicious.
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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@libsoftiktok It's always the jungle asians. The Bolo Yeung looking like mfers.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@Virescence_ The one about T-Swivel? 2019 was a funny year for Steffo. I liked his one about giant artificial boners.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
How about you season my greetings you fuckin' nerd. https://twitter.com/greyaesthetic/status/1597333422435086336/video/1
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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@JonssonYvette >"goldberg"

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
You expect me to believe this nobody coded "Hive" by herself 2 years ago because she was tired of other social media? A makeup influencer with a bachelors in psychology whose only previous employment was in collections? Uh-huh, okay.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@mommadrinks @libsoftiktok Or these two.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
reading “classics” as a person of color is all fun & games until the inevitable moment when it hits you that no part of the story had been imagined with you in mind, that ur not this author’s expected reader, that even as ur loving the story, it does not & cannot love you back

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@Mutasem54684197 @ClownWorld_ Hold on, lemme update that for ya.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@CryptoPappy @amyisunited @AlexofAllGames @elonmusk

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@finnasneed Just wanna hold hands with tall girl I don't understand.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@libsoftiktok k buddy

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
The franchise died after SH4, and that's okay. #SILENTHILL Transmission

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@infinite_debt @freebarbarian @Ottstorage @ClownWorld_

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@AlexofAllGames Iron Eyes.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@finnasneed Just when I found you again.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@realRoseMulet Do you mean magical negro? I don't think that's a slur, but we'll see if I get suspended or not. Now we have the "magical queer" all over everything, it's a bit silly.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@Timebomb742 She asks why would a person care if she thinks they're boring and insecure while caring a lot if a person thinks she's a whore.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@justanzia "this time"

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@finnasneed: @luxurygeneric Seriously though, if you're old enough to have collected these from Burger King, you're Gen-X.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@aretteepls maybe even dethroned this kid

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@LYQXA @bloodberry_tart

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@AlexofAllGames Oh, boy.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@LarusFotia @scaliebur @ZullieTheWitch Probably not these but your description reminded me of them

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@shoe0nhead That guy is just this guy for zoomers and it's hilarious how afraid some people are of him.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@AlexofAllGames Oh, her.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@Ludens74781390 @Such_am_i @SnackAfrican @ArchonOf It's not difficult to finish a movie.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@AlexofAllGames I wonder what the author's probl—oh.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@f4biaweny: @fabiawenyyy @Woofingson @OnlyFansPostinL

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@zetsubo_chan @deportablediz Reminds me of a movie from a while back with a similar premise. I don't remember it being good, in fact I barely recall any of the plot.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@GMShivers That's overlooked by these morons because they've been conditioned to get a dopamine hit when they notice a reference/cameo specifically in the MCU, so now they want movies that are just two and a half hours of them doing pic related under the pretence of "art house".

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@OmgItsYams: @SigmaGaijin Chun-Li. They'd both be spamming jump-HK on opposite sides of the screen and giggling until the timer runs out.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
works on my machine

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@zetsubo_chan @SophNar0747 up up

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@RawbertBeef iykyk

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
Woke up in hell today nbd

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@Feed_Me_Dutnos @TolkienSociety @mellon_heads

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@Nagasena1954 @TolkienSociety @mellon_heads TOTO Ricardo.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@WholeLottaSly: @AyoSL1 @TolkienSociety @mellon_heads Nah, worse. Kim Kardashian.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@TolkienSociety @mellon_heads lol nerds

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
I don't like green stuff either.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@GMShivers Imagine not living in Moncton. (donairs are overrated, just like nyc pizza)

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@g0blinnoises The only lotion I've found that doesn't do that for me is pic related. Still feels gross to put on but disappears quickly. One pump for both hands and fuggedaboudit.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@g0blinnoises With that cardigan I'm guessing:

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@omoiyabun That's just a modern remake of:

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
My poor little wallet.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
神さまの言うとおり > "squid game" or whatever the fuck it's called in hoopstick "I had the idea for it before 2014" sure ya did, Kim.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@LYQXA >no Garfield window cling

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
My timeline is like 60% "help me find my frens" dumbasses, now. https://twitter.com/greyaesthetic/status/1331935499980857346/photo/1

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@Ffejus: @thewtfmagazine That faggot reminds me of King Argotron from Role Models.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
Got blocked by her for being reasonable. And they wonder why most prefer to just exclaim "nigger!" and move on. @ExcitedEnnui @fl0werchildt

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@2Unclever4U @caffeinatedloli >pretty femme These twats are confusing being a limp-wristed lip-smacking faggot with being feminine. Again.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
There it is. Droids are the niggers of the Star Wars galaxy. https://twitter.com/greyaesthetic/status/671676996104097792/photo/1

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@greyaesthetic: @AmericanSenpai @ApexCyberTwat >letting the jewess drive NEGER WARUM? https://twitter.com/greyaesthetic/status/649829274858291201/photo/1

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@greyaesthetic: @mombot (My mum was very traditionalist and a bit racist, so it's always a constant battle not to go too overboard w/ the LOL FILTHY GOOKS )

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@TRAPKLUB: @chobats Nice jacket, faggot.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
Hi hello. Plebbit has always been shit. Cry more, bitch-niggers. #RedditRevolt

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@greyaesthetic: @TheRealPolina @DCedarbridge Not being snarky, just wanna know where this is. Also niggers gonna nig.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
Decided to check out TSwift's new MV >Catastrophe Haha, cute. >Joseph Kahn Stopped right there. That gook couldn't direct a free cam show.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@cashstrider @BloweyQuinn @wellplayd_ggate @Dreamformation @Endless_Heresy @groupieTRASH @BlinkR4pe Do it, faggot. http://www.vocaroo.com

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@Cwheezee @DeadwingDuck I'm gonna follow ya, but don't feel obligated to follow back. I'm a horrible old faggot with shit opinions.

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@ApexCyberTwat He's too retarded to be a nigga. This dumbass is a full-on nigger.

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@voxday Nah, actually it's deliberately misrepresenting facts in order to try to harass people. Keep going though, you're on a roll. 1%!
keskittyä @greyaesthetic
Says the faggot who subtweeted first like a pussy. @ChrisWarcraft @voxday

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keskittyä @greyaesthetic
@greyaesthetic: (((((((((((((((((((((((KELLY IS WHO I MEAN FOR ANYONE WONDERING)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) @SKScarbine45

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Use the Copy image icon, and object detection annotation toggles if present, to grab toxic content. Some of these guesses will be wrong- computer vision is hard!
star of david 88%
swastika 61%
blood drop cross 62%

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mspaint style 99%

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falange 68%
punisher 57%

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freemasonry 79%

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etc 38%
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toons other 99%

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mspaint style 53%
happy merchant 36%
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gigachad 40%
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militarized 81%

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militarized 81%
joker 77%

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face 93%

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etc 99%

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militarized 72%

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anime 61%

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anime 60%
toons other 38%

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mspaint style 99%

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art_other 97%

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tldr 99%

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gigachad 37%
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art_other 99%

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anime 35%
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art_other 98%

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art_other 39%

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art_other 97%

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etc 97%

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hitler 28%

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logos_flags_graphics 41%
map 37%

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toons other 97%

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art_other 99%

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tldr 83%

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art_other 91%

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etc 64%

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art_other 72%

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art_other 29%
joker 25%

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etc 96%

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art_other 99%

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etc 99%

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logos_flags_graphics 48%
etc 27%

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art_other 99%

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art_other 99%

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art_other 75%

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art_other 87%

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toons other 99%

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etc 95%

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tldr 66%
map 33%

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Classifier 20221028131014
dial 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 47%

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tldr 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 59%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 97%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 75%