BabaYaga_actual's neighbors with the most:

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
I’m going on a hunger strike till pol puts out a movie I’m tired of these (((Hollywood))) story lines.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
Because (((they))) don’t claim white unless they commit a crime and I’m tired of them fucking up our crime stats.
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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@NEWS_MAKER: @DRUDGE_REPORT Did she marry one of (((them))) or something?

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@msjancetic And Slavs hate (((them))) too so we clearly have our shit together.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@HeelTurnProd Careful, sharing that pic of your friends account might make (((them))) think you are supension dodging.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@Tacostansia @TheRalphRetort What’s terrible is that (((YouTube))) is most definitely aware of how hypocritical this is, and they just don’t care.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
If I was a single issue voter, this would be it. He can be 008 but this is too far (((Hollywood)))
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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@TheRalphRetort I keep trying to watch last nights #Killstream and it keeps causing my Apple TV to restart. Only the killstream does this. (((They))) got you.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@RealJFGariepy @MontrealBroski @ZatMessage @fangstoflesh @JFGariepy @GenocidalFetus @OpticDecay @opalsmoonchild @HcJoachim @Tacostansia @ZackLonbee @Redacted_IGN @Taco_Sunrise How does Papa JayEf explain the frequency of Tay Sacs occurring in French Canadians? Are you a secret squad for (((them))).

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@Zidan_Lianciel He still hasn’t explained all the shootings.... kinda shocked (((YouTube))) hasn’t removed his tell all yet.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@HcJoachim @RichardBSpencer (((Strike))) you would think after Nassim (((YouTube))) would be less obviously biased. Or does that only happen when the cash flow is interrupted? Twitters stock is down Zuck is getting fired. Don’t test us. We always win.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@ThunderousChad @NickJFuentes That and they are all chosenites which just makes you wonder.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
The chosenites are now ethnically cleansing themselves for twitter cause their hate speech propaganda bit them in their own ass. I love the state of things right now.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@H20AlexJones @HcJoachim As long as you are producer that is not a chosenite you deserve more credit than that.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@ali @NickJFuentes @benshapiro Chosenites protecting each other. It’s so 1800’s you are late to the game.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@ZatMessage Lack of creativity by the chosenites has lead to all these remakes. Honestly come up with a new story line you lazy fucks.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
I love that Isreal passed a law making itself an Jewish ethnostate. Foreign politics just got interesting as fuck. It’s also really fun to throw in liberals faces. Can they please take our chosenites now?

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@Scratch_Point_Z @Zidan_Lianciel They also spend way too much time suck the dick of the chosenites.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@Schoollunchalt Ha his three awards don’t mean shit other than he is good at sucking chosenite dick. He should probably focus on the integrity of his industry instead of complaining about feels.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@HcJoachim Can you define woke apnea? I’m submitting an article to the New England journal of medicine all about the Chosenites. 🤣

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@BlueSithis @CzePokec Well thanks to the chosenites in Hollywood, it’s now Wakanda. Have fun with that.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
Read another interesting article on genetics, went on rampage against (((them))) and their Tay Sachs blood therapy. For the love of god how is this not common knowledge.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@KrazzyKatze @norbois_south @nick240v @MossadJack I sense one of (((them))) in her.

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Baba Yaga @BabaYaga_actual
@vdare @MattDeLaMurdock I wonder (((who))) wrote her script this time?

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