@smithalex0777 Alex Smith 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 ☦️ Orthodox Christian, Englishman, Monarchist

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 3
John Smith @AngloAnon_
@smithalex0777 @Correction2016 If you want to live in an ethno-nationalist state that worships the Abrahamic god you should apply for Israeli citizenship.
@Correction2016 Modern )ews are not the )ews of the Old Testament. They do not worship the Triune God. It's a cult created after the destruction of the Second Temple. Many of its adherents are not even descendants of Abraham but Kha-zar converts.

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@handsome_inzel @liberalnotlefty Here's some recent grants from the Henry Luce Foundation. This is just one NGO. There are dozens of these types of NGOs actively subverting religious & conservative groups in America:

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