@thecarnivorebar The Carnivore Bar A better way to take carnivore/keto on the go - a zero carb, high fat beef bar. #eatmeat Missouri,

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 69
The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Explain to us in 10 words or less why cows are good for the environment:

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
This is the exact reason why you should know where your food is coming from and who is raising your food.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Side effects of a carnivore diet: amazing energy. What else?

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
How old were you when you discovered raw milk & tallow?

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
How old were you when you realized you can only eat steak, eggs, and animal-products and still thrive?

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
And people wonder why the market for insulin is projected to grow at 8% year over year:

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
This is not a carnivore bar.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Compared to the American diet, traditional diets of animal-foods high in saturated fats contain: • 4x the minerals • 10x the enzymes • 4x the water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C • 10x the fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A and D

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
No words necessary.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Say no to sugar. Say yes to steak. It's that simple. 🥩

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Beef Liver aka Nature's Multivitamin. What is your favorite way to eat liver?

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
This may come as a surprise but humans can’t (or shouldn’t) eat grass. Luckily cows can 🐄🥩

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
In a world where diabetes is common Where more processed sugar is eaten Where more seed oils are eaten Where more refined grains are eaten Why is beef still taking the blame?

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
The preparation of your food makes the poison or the antidote. Pro tip: Swap the coconut oil for beef tallow. 🐮😎

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Death by Sugar.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Tag your favorite health twitter account and a picture of your favorite healthy meal below 👇 We’ll start: @SBakerMD & steak 🥩

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of improving your metabolic health.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
She is not loyal, bro.
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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Best Bang for Your Buck Cut: Top Round

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Cereal and orange juice is not a real breakfast. This is:

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Don’t forget the tallow 😎

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
If you think eating healthy foods is hard, you should try being sick. (Kidding please don’t)

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
For everyone enjoying World Carnivore Month, start here:

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Meat will do more for your health than any drug, pill, or supplement.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
You’d be lucky if you didn’t get sick from eating like this:

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Percent increase in autoimmune diseases since 1950. What has changed?

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
The Anti-Cancer Diet: can you guess what foods Otto Warburg avoided? (Hint: it’s not meat🥩)

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Our understanding of cholesterol changed in 2015. Why has this not been popularized yet?

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
So thankful for our caring customers, hard working partners, and dedicated employees! RT for more meat in 2023 🥩

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Your local farmer cares about your health. These companies don't.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
BREAKING NEWS: Food is medicine.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
They want you eating mush. We want you eating beef. Big difference.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Do you think that Raw Dairy & Honey should be considered carnivore? All answers welcomed. 👇

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
They want you eating industrial sludge. We want you eating red meat & water.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
True or false: This steak is making you sick and unhealthy.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Eat Meat & Thrive. You deserve it.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
🚨Reminder🚨: When shopping at the grocery store, stick to the outer aisles. That is where you will find real foods: Meat, Fish, Eggs, Dairy, Fruits, and Vegetables. The inner aisles are where all of the processed junk lies. Navigate and plan accordingly.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Like for steak. RT for more steak. 🥩

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
One of the worst things we have ever done is equate "Fat Free" to mean "Healthy" Right, @Mark_Sisson?

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
🚨 PSA: 🚨 This is not breakfast. https://t.co/Afzd78EINu
The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
: This is though. 😎

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
🚨 PSA: 🚨 This is not breakfast.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
There are 33,000 products found in the average grocery store. However, these products are controlled by about 10 companies that are merely rearranging corn, wheat, soy, refined sugars, and seed oils. Choice has become an illusion with our food.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Cows eat plants & covert them to energy so you don't have to.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Does this really look like food to you?

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
12 different types of cows. Which one is your favorite? 👇

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
“Can you imagine yourself in 10 years if, instead of avoiding the things you know you should do, you actually did them every single day? That’s powerful.” - @jordanbpeterson

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Genghis Khan and the mongols flourished on nutrient-dense animal products such as meat, milk, and curd. Nutrient Density = World Power. Few.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
If you could have a steak dinner with anyone, who would it be? Tag them below! (If they are on twitter)

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Cooking tip: Pat your steaks. dry with a paper towel and let them rest for at least 15 minutes before cooking them. This will help you get that delicious crust on the steak that we all love.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Stomach Acid breakdown by species. Looks like we may be evolutionarily closer to carnivores than we have been told.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
The healing powers of the Carnivore Diet:

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
2022 Summarized in a picture.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Perennial pastures used for grazing can decrease soil erosion by over 80%. Grass-fed, grass-finished is the way.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Here's an easy guide to beef (prices, preparation style, and seasoning recommendations included):

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
"No. No, ma'am. No, ma'am I am not lying to you when I am telling you that these Carnivore Bars only contain beef, tallow, and salt. I know. I know it's unbelievable. I know. I know they taste amazing (**nervous chuckle**). That's what I've been trying to tell people."

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
The Maasai receive the vast majority of their calories from meat, milk, and blood. Do they look unhealthy to you?

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
PRO TIP: If you are following a carnivore diet, make sure to keep your Saturated Fat Consumption high. We recommend 80% of your total calories from Saturated Fat.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
🚨 PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: 🚨 Carbohydrates will make you lazy.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Why are we so unhealthy? Simple. We eat too many ultra-processed foods.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Your brain NEEDS saturated fat. One study found that increased saturated fat consumption reduced the risk of dementia by 36%.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Are we sure it's the read meat driving obesity & chronic disease? Just thinking out loud here...

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
Doctor Tro on the left: Pastas, Fruits, Muffins, Cereal Doctor Tro on the right: Steak, Chicken, Bacon, Eggs, Cheese, Salt Be like @doctortro.

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The Carnivore Bar @thecarnivorebar
A picture is worth a thousand words. 🥩

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Use the Copy image icon, and object detection annotation toggles if present, to grab toxic content. Some of these guesses will be wrong- computer vision is hard!
mjolnir 70%

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reichsadler 75%

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falange 64%

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art_other 44%

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patriot front 65%

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pepe 62%
toons other 35%
pepe 57%
star of david 72%

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anime 50%
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mspaint style 48%
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bar graph 34%

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critters 60%
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toons other 81%

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critters 78%

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tldr 72%

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etc 99%

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bar graph 100%

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etc 75%

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Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 100%

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hammer and sickle 60%
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etc 54%

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critters 33%

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critters 75%

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etc 99%

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art_other 88%

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art_other 42%

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map 100%

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etc 99%

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bar graph 98%

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etc 99%

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critters 100%

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etc 67%
toons other 31%

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etc 100%

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map 99%

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etc 99%

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mspaint style 79%

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hitler 26%

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etc 100%

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Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 93%

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Classifier 20221028131014
critters 95%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
patriot front 32%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 49%
art_other 47%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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tldr 88%

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etc 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
dial 96%

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toons other 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 96%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 53%