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Yeerk.P 馃 @PYeerk
Ppl are saying this is 'the logical conclusion of wokeness'/ 'the next trans frontier' etc- I suspect that on the contrary, this guy will be used to establish an arbitrary limit to 'identity' to make other claims seem comparatively reasonable https://t.co/F3V1JHFKRw
Boi @OccamsrazorB
My new pronoun is niqqa you better re$pect

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Boi @OccamsrazorB
@AryanCrash Isn't Nick a fagg0t?

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Boi @OccamsrazorB
@ModusDoperandi @FaeceSocietatis I recognize the bottom right as youtubers who never had a relationship. Are the others fake too? Meanwhile outside the realm of magical shitskin cope https://twitter.com/OccamsrazorB/status/1398120165494112256/photo/1

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Boi @OccamsrazorB
@ModusDoperandi @FaeceSocietatis More cope that I cope I checked google in seconds for laughs whilst you've been stalking Twitter from your little niglet hole for god knows how long Just lol, another niggelito losing out on life due to his complex

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Boi @OccamsrazorB
@DashingChrisBey I would have ducked and started a brawl fuck that faggot

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Boi @OccamsrazorB
@isidoreroyer: @fashyzizek "Ok faggot"

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Boi @OccamsrazorB
@hennyhouston Shitskin cope

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