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To Lay With Monsters @LayWithMonsters
@smallfurrycocks faggot.... love you.

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To Lay With Monsters @LayWithMonsters
@TheHinduDindu: @NeuroBrick @Fulmenel Don't believe him Brick. I call Poe a nigger on the regular. I have receipts.

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To Lay With Monsters @LayWithMonsters
@LivingScribe Fuck u you dumb nigger I will never forgive you for this. I'm really upset with you right now. You SCARED this little gopnitsa...

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To Lay With Monsters @LayWithMonsters
@gookbox20 >roof gook intensfies

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🐇BunShine☀️ @bunwaffle
What the hell is wrong with these people?
To Lay With Monsters @LayWithMonsters
I can't even call this an attack by the joos. This one is that far out of left field.

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View @bunwaffle
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To Lay With Monsters @LayWithMonsters
@undeadscribe I told you to tag me, Nigger.

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To Lay With Monsters @LayWithMonsters
@Norse_Naga If you don't call your bf a faggot you really can't call it love.

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To Lay With Monsters @LayWithMonsters
@c_grandmaster Depends on who it is for. If it is a friend, it is "faggot". If it is a friend I haven't seen in awhile it's "nigger". If it is my sister, it is "slut". I have pet slurs.

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To Lay With Monsters @LayWithMonsters
@KingDaveth: @TheDaveth Game Grumps is certainly dead but I'm a faggot and I love NSP.

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