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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 8
POBOL-S @NROstealthblimp
Did you know we have trained and organized mass euthanasia units (for chicken farms)? Like large scale jobs.
@venusianfriend Yeah. State veterinary institutions do mass culls in cases of infectious diseases all the time. Except in Asia, where the godless gooks instead inoculate the flocks with leaky vaccines, breeding ever better bird flu and such.

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@EricRichards22 $200k+ cars ? We getting into 'US dystopian car prices from 1990s games' here...

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@rigtigfedmis https://twitter.com/UDepravity/status/1578826941305860096/video/1

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@HbdNrx They do, I think. But it really depends on athleticism. Female bodybuilders over 70 while mildly scary have nice generally nice figures. (some swedish grandma, 67 in upper, 78 in lower picture). Imo, at 67 with a nice haircut she'd be attractive.

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@blu3r4d0n The light pillars happen when it's way colder, and there's also typically more of them above a city if it's going on. Really unclear what's going on, although the time is pretty much ripe for Russian laser anti-satellite countermeasures to be used. They have them.

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@LudditeHacker >Musk's one talent was never technical, You suffering from CjD? He went straight against consensus and won.

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@emeriticus Here's the video. Extremely on the nose, implausibly so. If you put such a scene in a book, you'd get called a hack who loves clichés. https://twitter.com/UDepravity/status/1577726130231967745/video/1

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@chernayakoshka The revolvers weigh like 13 lbs, possible to imagine if you get your hand on some FEV in the meantime.

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@emeriticus I'm thinking maybe not showing teeth and growing a beard would help. Unsettling visage.

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