@zaxxxppe Philip of Bosona Focused on Bosnian Regiments in the Great War | Native European ᛟ Feldwache im Südosten

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Philip of Bosona @zaxxxppe
Probably the best war cinematography I’ve ever seen in a movie. Gruesome, brutal and eye-opening film, well worth a watch. That being said, I’m disappointed on 2 accounts: the movie drifted too far from Remarque’s novel + the anti-war messaging was somewhat too displayed imho.

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Philip of Bosona @zaxxxppe
@LavBosniak Unfortunately, this version of Germany is in deep paralysis and a deep sleep. I can not target all the German people because I know how well they think of us. This (((elite))) however, is a different story.

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Philip of Bosona @zaxxxppe
Long live untouched barbarian Europe. @WargarW @novzora

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Philip of Bosona @zaxxxppe
@lahaine00 - Tvrtko is NOT tied to Serbian nobility. Those are (((their))) lies - We are genetically not the same, Bosnians have a lot of Illyrian and Gothic admixture (and of course Slavic) whereas Serbs have a lot of Turkish/Asian DNA due to centuries of rape and taking of women

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Classifier 20221003165148
hitler 99%

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Classifier 20221003165148
swastika 60%
runes_odal 17%

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Classifier 20221003165148
militarized 100%

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Classifier 20221003165148
art_other 99%

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Classifier 20221003165148
art_other 68%

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map 100%