@allan_shop Allan the Barber Shop Guy Making music that warms hearts...and saves lives #HoaxPledge https://t.co/SMxTuYEvu7

allan_shop's neighborhood vibes:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Transphobia Anti-Blackness
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Merry white history month!! @Over_limit_ @StarringAstra @council_floyd @willieonradio @irishmike24 @JLPtalk

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Congratulations, Justine! Your determination and courage has taken #transvisibility to a whole new level, and opened a new path for those who will follow in your footsteps! #truthbuildsbelonging 2/2 🏳️‍⚧️ https://t.co/CZo2waVWWH
Get your faggot billboards off of my freeway!!

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@Icha20211 Fag

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@MarshallSbar @bennyjohnson I’d rather be a trump supporter than some limp dick fag

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Now that I'm coaching soccer for my kids' teams, this is pretty much the prayer I say every Saturday morning. I predict this is pretty much the same prayer that has been spoken by every red-blooded, respectable man since the beginning of time. Ha! @colinflaherty @willieonradio https://twitter.com/allan_shop/status/1440189457643102212/video/1

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