@PartisanHack3 PartisanHack (GEORGIA 150% VOTES COUNTED) We were strangers, For way too long.

PartisanHack3's neighborhood vibes:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia
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@kylescouter This one was botched though. Megumi was standing on the ground instead of stepping out of the shadow.

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@JoshLekach J*ws are the enemy of the people.

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@li_a_n_: @LianPo9 @QuasenovinhoSla @ForneverWorld Kokushibo should have unironically been the final villain.

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@funnechimp @AirPhforce @NovakMortis @Cummymonke

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@profevj @michellemalkin Trump guy? More like globalist puppet who sold his eye to defend Israel in pointless sandwars and his soul to AIPAC for power.

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@blompf2020 J3ws CAN

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@NuanceBro @CassandraRules look at you kvetching like a j3w. it's embarassing.

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@mtracey He appoints joos, zionists and neocons in his cabinet instead of america first patriots then every single time they turn around and backstab.

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@jesusloveselvis @ResearchTheJQ @LegendaryEnergy It has no power over me how many gorillion joos died in the holohoax. You can't use it to make me agree with you or change my opinion (which has nothing to do with nazism but is a simple logical conclusion)

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@uprootedflower @josh_hammer They are just joking. I have happened to tell the most vicious zionist boomers i dont believe it happened just to spite them. 90% of groypers are zoomers and borderline millenials. We don't worship 6 gorillion joos, Jim Crow laws, ecc. These things have no power over us.

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@jamesocho1 @QuantifiedDave @McAllisterDen @MattWalshBlog @michellemalkin Go to the middle east or Minnesota and shout "Muhammad was a false prophet and a pedophile" and let us know the results. The same applies to all who don't believe in the Holocaust religion and question the 6 gorillion joos. http://vjmpublishing.nz/?p=8811

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@ZyclownB Poor Joos.

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@Communism_Kills I mean j3ws and Zionist act as if only j3ws died in the holocaust. To each their own

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@notmyname222 @i_aver @Just_someNobody @Run_the_numbers @Stop_Groupthink @madelineefry @jtLOL @GoyTalkLIVE @AIPAC ok j3w. https://twitter.com/PartisanHack3/status/1194631476110753794/photo/1

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@notmyname222 @Just_someNobody @i_aver @Run_the_numbers @Stop_Groupthink @madelineefry @jtLOL @GoyTalkLIVE Enough with the j3wish tricks j3wstein. https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/senate-passes-bill-to-enshrine-military-aid-package-to-israel-into-law-1.6340748

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@Just_someNobody @i_aver @Run_the_numbers @Stop_Groupthink @madelineefry @jtLOL @GoyTalkLIVE It's mostly irony bro. Nobody unironically HATES THE JOOS. Maybe there is someone, I can't guarantee for everyone afterall but we disavow that person. You really don't believe america's policy is owned by Jewish lobbies who control both parties?

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@westantzuyu The male Kassy Dillon. Your average J3w.

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@JamesOKeefeIII @Project_Veritas @ABC The media was probably a truth seeking enterprise before p3dophile j3ws co opted it.

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@ProFreeMarkets @CassandraRules He doesn't deny the holocaust just the improbable 6 gazillion j3ws that were supposedly gassed. BTW why is it allowed to be able to question every historical event even 9/11 but never the holocaust? An interesting article you should read. http://vjmpublishing.nz/?p=8811

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@SWest412 @SebGorka @NickJFuentes @jack You can question the details of every historical event. You can even question the details of 9/11, people will frown but ultimately nothing will happen but as soon as you question the 6 gazillion joos number all hell breaks loose. Really telling.

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@MrAndyNgo @SeattlePD You aren't a j3w so why should the police be concerned with your safety and death threats against you.

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@SKinolberg @thewhitemansbu1 @blakeeaster @CalebJHull Wa do you mean?! Everyone knows only joos died in WWII.

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Nicholas J. Fuentes @NickJFuentes
Here is the fat MAGA grifter Sebastian Gorka effectively calling for me to be banned from Twitter. I thought conservatives were against tech censorship? It is incredible how these people expose themselves when their flimsy ideas are attacked. https://t.co/H2pciacyP6
I mean Trump barred @GrrrGraphics from his "free speech" event at the command of his j3wish overlord. https://twitter.com/PartisanHack3/status/1189617134797758464/photo/1

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@fireboy01111 @ramzpaul No no no it's just a cohencidence.

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@_YvonneBurton @alx @JackPosobiec @DonnyDeutsch @RepMattGaetz He is a Jew, he isn't white. Look into who promotes white racism and who occupies the largest amount of seats in US media. Cohencidence? I hope so.

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@angeli_adeen @NabeelAzeezDXB @TulsiGabbard Those poor poor joos. https://twitter.com/PartisanHack3/status/1185174953622151168/photo/1

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